I really like this photograph 😍 👍🏻
I really like this photograph 😍 👍🏻
Thank you and SimpleJoy for your kind comments. Seems I found an acorn.
Waiting for the light to turn green... by simple.joy, on Flickr
Is this real? Any post work? It's so dreamy.
a 'dry' stone wall
090922 b janet's foss mossy dry stone wall-1 by softmarmotte, on Flickr
a green garden
11072 boothbay botanic gardens green-7118450 by softmarmotte, on Flickr
An old sign in the woods, found this one whole hiking in the Mullerthal region in Luxemburg
Old sign by Photobygms, on Flickr
2808 chestnuts-8289838 by softmarmotte, on Flickr
Fall has arrived by Photobygms, on Flickr