When using the batch renaming feature, if you select a folder, then all the photos in that folder and its sub-folders will be renamed in the same way.
Could be pretty handy for renaming photos - the same way - across sub-folders.
When using the batch renaming feature, if you select a folder, then all the photos in that folder and its sub-folders will be renamed in the same way.
Could be pretty handy for renaming photos - the same way - across sub-folders.
OOOOooohhhhhh !!
Found it!
Is there a way to transform:
YYYY-MM-DD HH_MM_SS ###.jpg<
( didn't knew there was one )
Faststone is one very versatile program. You can even put the dates on photos which it extracts from the EXIF. Far more versatile than a lot of people think. Amazing for a free program. I use it that much it's worth donating for.
Note that colons (:) are forbidden characters in Windows file names.
I'm sorry @AlainCh2, but I can't be of any assistance.
Was the date set wrong on the camera?
On an unrelated note, FastStone has problems renaming DNGs: www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/4674185
Was the date set wrong on the camera?
Yes, but not from the camera.
I get some files from other sources that have a different format, so to unify them I thought it would have been nice.
But it seems Fastone just gets random data and not the creation one ....
I report back if I find something that works that way
Have you seen the Bulk Rename Utility? www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/
I need too try that one asap
( tanks Alan )