• Willy79panorama_fish_eye
    34 posts
    2 years ago

    Beautiful day outside with Spring in the air. It was a perfect day to take my A7RV w/FE 24-105mm f/4.0 and take a few casual shots. Of course, the FE 24-105mm f/4.0 is not a macro lens but it does a nice job of close focus.





    JPG, 1.6 MB, uploaded by Willy79 2 years ago.


    JPG, 1.4 MB, uploaded by Willy79 2 years ago.


    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by Willy79 2 years ago.

  • Geoff777panorama_fish_eye
    44 posts
    2 years ago

    Lovely shots.

  • Sonypanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    Awesome shots! As you are using the 24-105 on a high-resolution A7RV, may I ask you how you would rate the lens' edge performance at 24mm? Some reviews stated that corners are rather soft at wide angles but you can judge that best with the RV. I have always wanted a full frame Sony with the 24-105 but have shied away from buying one after reading the reviews.

  • Willy79panorama_fish_eye
    34 posts
    2 years ago

    I have a nice selection of lenses (FE 14mm f/1.8 GM, FE 20mm f/1.8 G, FE 16-35mm f/4.0 PZ and several others) but the FE 24-105mm f/4.0 is my most used lens. I don't pixel peep so probably not qualified to comment on your question about corner softness (although it always looks good to me). IMHO, I view the A7RV when used at 60MP approaches the capability of a Medium Format camera. I have owned many cameras over the past 60 years and find the A7RV to be the most versatile and capable camera I have ever owned.

  • Terryk1panorama_fish_eye
    140 posts
    2 years ago

    It sure does do a nice job. Very pretty pictures.