• Maobylens
    1574 posts
    2 years ago

    Agfa ePHOTO 307 (1996)


    Agfa ePHOTO 307 (1996)
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    Agfa ePHOTO 307 (1996)
    310,000 pixels (640x480)
    The First Consumer Digital Agfa
    2MB Internal

    My Little History of Digital Compacts

  • Maobylens
    1574 posts
    2 years ago

    Agfa’s second consumer digital camera

    Agfa ePHOTO 1280 (1997)


    Agfa ePHOTO 1280 (1997)
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    Pivoting compact, 280° rotatable lens
    810,000-pixel sensor (1024x768) Int.
    Storage: 4MB Smart Media
    $899.00 USD

  • DMCOpanorama_fish_eye
    244 posts
    2 years ago

    I remember some of these cameras and I thank you for posting images of these oldies.

    What I find interesting is that at the dawn of the ‘consumer digital camera’ manufacturers were really experimenting with various shapes, configurations, styles, etc. But seemingly none of them really caught on and we moved back to the “brick shape with a lens” design. I guess that points to both consumer preference and actually how functionally well-evolved the “brick/lens” form factor actually is?

  • OpenCubehelp_outline
    861 posts
    2 years ago

    To add to this, a few years down the road, they tried modular with video cameras. Despite several tries from various manufacturers big and small, never really caught on either. Consumers at all levels, like what they like it seems.

  • Maobylens
    1574 posts
    2 years ago

    A new Agfa for 1998

    The Agfa ePHOTO 1680 (1998)
    1,300,000 pixel sensor (1280x960) Int.
    Storage: 4MB Smart Media
    $899.00 USD


    Agfa ePHOTO 1680 (1998)
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

  • Maobylens
    1574 posts