The "first photo on MFT" thread on DPReview has gotten me thinking about all of the MFT bodies I've used over the years, so I thought it might be fun to look back on all of them, how many shots I have from each in my library and one of my favorite photos from each!
Side Note: The usage numbers are obviously imperfect since it doesn't account for the ones that got thrown away (I try to be brutal about culling bad photos), but it's a general guideline for how extensively they got used.
GF1 - 7,077 (this shot with 20/1.7)
The OG. Bought this as I wound down my "professional" shooting with two D700's when my daughter was born. I was instantly hooked by its Face Detect AF and LCD screen which allowed me to shoot much more freely than I could with a dSLR pressed against my face.
E-PL1 - 74 (this shot with 20/1.7)
Obviously didn't get along well with this body. To be honest, I don't even remember what I ended up doing with it.
GF2 (x2) - 12,595 (this shot with Panasonic 45-200/4.0-5.6)
Sort of the unsung hero of my camera history - I shot so much with these, but I sometimes forget them. A photo will pop up somewhere and I think "That's a great photo, what did I shoot it with?" and more often than not it's the GF2.
GM1 - 12,943 (this shot with 45/1.8)
I took this camera evvvvvverywhere with me in a little hip-holster. Captured so many great photos I wouldn't have otherwise. But like many others, this eventually got replace by a smartphone. That said, I also used it attach to the back of my bike to automatically take photos on rides for years after it was "replaced" by the next camera on this list...
E-M5 - 9,385 (this shot with 14/2.5)
This was the other nail in the coffin for the GM1, due to the IS. An extremely satisfying camera.
E-M1 (x2) - 59,104 (this shot with 40-150/2.8)
Needless to say, this camera became my workhorse. At this point, it was clear that MFT gear could in fact shoot sports - something I did with my Pro Canon and Nikon gear and got back into with the E-M1.
PEN-F - 1,772 (this shot with 7.5/3.5 FE)
Looks great, but didn't like the EVF and the slow readout was a pain indoors.
E-M1 Mark III (x2) - 38,204 (this shot with 8-25/4)
My current workhorse. What can you say about it that hasn't already been said? Such a fantastic set of functionality - solid on both the fundamentals for many types of photography, but with a few creative tricks up its sleeve!
E-P7 - 1,553 (this shot with 20/1.7 + 10% Cinebloom filter)
Bought this in hopes that it would be my "go anywhere" camera, but the jury's still out on that one. It's a lovely little camera, but I still find myself gravitating back to the E-M1 due to the in-body Focus Stacking, Phase Detect AF, etc.
Please feel free to share your own MFT history here!