As most photographers that migrated to the use of multiple formats, 35 mm, 6x6, 6x7, 6x45 and large format 4x5 and 8x10 will tell you they did it for a reason as each format provides unique features. From the fast street or photojournalistic capabilities of 35 mm to the majestic beauty of large format landscapes - different formats provide different pros and cons. There is a reason Ansel Adams, Clyde Butcher, Bruce Barnbaum, etc. only used large format for their majestic landscapes. There is a reason W. Eugene Smith and Robert Capa used 35 mm to bring the news to Life Magazine and to the tables of the American people in photographs.
There is no one format that does everything well. However, the larger format one can effectively use for the job - the better the image quality. Or as one of my former girlfriends cooed, size really does matter. 😎