Comparing apples and oranges by, on Flickr
This was created for the theme "idioms" for a weekly themed group on flickr. The idiom displayed is of course "comparing apples and oranges".
Do you think it works well enough? Sometimes I'm very convinced an idea is effective and I even manage to get the shot to a place where I'm okay with it and then - after some time - I start to doubt its validity. As far as lighting is concerned I mainly tried to go for the colors, rather than the shapes, because of the idea with the switched background-colors. It's not optimized for detail but I think it's reasonable sharp. I really like the (old manual) lens I used for it, which is a Kodak "Micro-File-Ektar 63 mm f/8" which was made for a completely different task originally and it's a manually focus stacked shot.
Thanks a lot for your feedback.