That's not the point.
"Will this camera comply with what you have in mind once brought down to the reality path?"
Sure I'm happy with any new toy, but old enough to know how much I'll play with it after the "new thing" fade.
Should I buy the 150-600 ? weight is the barrier, not the money.
Evening today from the balcony with the 70-300 I shot this one. Would have been better with 150-600?

I give you a sample of a saving decision that got me out before I nearly burned-out:
I started 2 years ago with Carnivorous Plants.... I bought some 35 new plants in this period ... I ended up this winter with more than 100 pots.
.... I have "the green thumb" ... one plant can lead to having 3 to 7 pots after 6 months..... besides that ... I love to grow small things.
In November I found a shop that accepted to receive for free all my near to adult production. Plus an online mate visited me and went away with my biggest pots.....
I'm down to 65 big pots... but but but .... I have around 150 plantlets to repot 🤦♂️
One of the main reasons I got back on a camera is... because taking a photo of my plants with a cell was good, but not good enough.
So I opened a "vitrine" to put there my plants/my pics.
Now I have also the CH2 logo, design, and merch. I don't do it for money. The pure satisfaction of doing it.
This spring my first Dionea selection "Ch2 Rosa" will be on sale in a friend shop.
Does that make me happy? Yes, in a way.
But it helps me a lot to trundle ahead a little better than crying and complaining all day long about my pains.
Does my camera and lenses make me happy? Yes in a way.
I would love to walk with them in the wood, I can dream of that while shooting from the balcony.
Probably on the spurt I will do it, how much will it last if the weight is too much?
Writing this post I nearly passed away, heart playing tricks I suppose.
But I kept doing what I was doing, whatsoever, and that helps and helps a lot.
( Doc said, too many surgeries, not much can be done anymore, and raised the pills number )
This post took 1:40 to be written, checked, corrected, and posted. I'm pretty satisfied 😁