• Tapikpanorama_fish_eye
    3 posts
    2 years ago

    Good day, I get my a6400 about a month ago and I love the camera and picture quality in general, but now I'm trying to tweak some thing a bit to get the most pleasing colors for JPG so I don't need to go to Lightroom for tweaking home photos too much.
    I usually go with AWB White and Portrait picture style, tried Standart and I find it too contrasty and not so bright.
    That's why I want to ask you, if you shooting straight out of camera jpegs - what are your setup?
    Thank you.

  • Sonypanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    I use 'landscape' for all shots outdoors for punchy colors (90รท of my landscape and portrait photography), 'standard' for indoor shots and 'sunset' for sunset shots.

  • AlexeyK77panorama_fish_eye
    84 posts
    2 years ago

    I like use "Vivid" mode in bright sun day, especially during sunrise.

  • piticotopanorama_fish_eye
    37 posts
    2 years ago

    I didn't think to leave aperture mode, but it makes sense to use one of the scenes mode, landscape, portrait, or sunset to let the camera decide the settings, including WB I hope, and possible getting better OOC jpgs than just aperture mode and adjust for exposure. But, then I would need one of the 2.8 constant lenses, like 17-70 by Tamron that also has optical stabilisation. I use 18-135 most of the time, as I like the size and range, with ISO up to 6400. I'll try scenes mode for a while and decide based on better, or not jpgs, plus size difference if I want 17-70 for it's 2.8 aperture. I don't know if AUTO mode can recognize scene. A little bit of scene recognition would help for a next new camera, like a little bit of AI, so I don't have to remember to double check and change scene. Eventually that will become a habit to check scene mode.
    And the scenes mode has the indoor possibilities with reduced light, firing three shots at ISO 12800 and getting less noise in the final picture than the one with ISO 6400 in A mode. I may be OK with scenes modes and 18-135, better than up to now. I got "stuck" for a long time with aperture mode because of the influence from all the posts about using A mode. A good lesson, pretty much like from other things: I'll know to see for myself how it works and what options, to make my own choice. Thank you "Sony" member.

  • piticotopanorama_fish_eye
    37 posts
    2 years ago
  • Garypanorama_fish_eye
    13 posts
    2 years ago

    For e-mount cameras, someone suggested long ago to use vivid mode, but saturation -1 to tone it down a bit. You might try that, although when you use modes like that, you're moving away from the more neutral, normal Sony colors that look more natural. People like a little pop, though. It might take some experimenting to get something you like.

    The other thing I like to do is turn the NR to "low". With the newer cameras, this leaves a nice grain and doesn't kill so much detail.

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    standard + DRO Lv1

  • AdamTpanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    2 years ago

    Someone on DP review put me onto this video - it's about setting up image profiles in the A6400, there is a heck of a lot more to tweaking the JPG engine in these cameras than the simple settings which the Picture styles offer - you can apparently even go as far as to mimick Fuji Film profiles or others such as Canon, Nikon,. Leica or whatever .. this setting tutorial shows how to mimick Canon colours as it happens , there's a whole section in the settings on fine detail (which he ignores and just sets detail to low) - I set detail and crisp to high levels to see what happened and its almost as sharp as RAW !! . lots to do here, maybe worth learning how to use this if you use JPGs a lot - I use RAW most of the time so not necessary for me but i was shocked at how much you can do to setup the JPG engine (it also affects Video) , way more than Ive ever seen in any camera .