What is the white balance of the dark-frame ?
What is the ISO of the photo not taken ?
What is the shutter count on the camera not bought ?
A disciple once came to Joshu, and asked him: "What is the purpose of the Internet camera forum ?"
Said Joshu: "It is there for the dim and the dull to obsess with brightness and sharpness."
A disciple once came to Joshu, and asked him: "Is it better to shoot RAW or JPEG ?"
"Is it better if I hit you with a sandal or a stick ?" answered Joshu, before hitting the disciple with both.
A disciple once came to Joshu, and asked him: "Which camera has the most Buddha-nature as perceived by minority urban zoomer content creators ?"
"Please click subscribe" replied Joshu.
A disciple once came to Joshu and asked for his help understanding equivalence. Joshu asked all the monks to order themselves from shortest to tallest and had each hit the disciple with a reciprocally sized stick.
A disciple once came to Joshu, and asked him: "Why is it that some photographers turn back to film, when digital cameras are now better than film ever was ?"
Said Joshu: "Because it is the cameras that got better, not they".
A disciple once came to Joshu, and asked him: "What is the best camera and lens for shooting BIF ?"
In response, Joshu turned himself into a bird and flew in circles around the room before defecating on the disciple from above.
It was then that the disciple was enlightened.