It's different because there's no audio recorder, concert, or music. You've put up an analogy which attempts to recast the active participant in creating something (an image) as the passive observer with little control over what is being created in a different scenario. It's a diversion from the event which actually occurred. Composing, capturing, and creating an image can be assessed and discussed on its own merits without resorting to an analogy with a different scenario and circumstances. The parallels between music and photography can also be brought much closer together.
There are connections, of course, between music and photography; including a good deal of shared terminology. In music, you have compositions and composers. You also have composition in visual arts like photography, where the composers are known as photographers. Music is composed from a range of individual tones along a scale which form the tonality of the music. Visual artists, like photographers, also use a range of individual tones along a scale to produce tonality in an image. There's more along the same lines and there's always Ansel Adams' frequent remark that the negative is the score and the print the performance of that score... but you probably get the idea. The medium may be different and the tools may vary, but the intention is the same.
I don't know whether there's anything anyone could say or any analogy which would have an effect on how rigid or flexible your definitions and divisions between art and craft or creativity and capture might be. For myself, the definitions are very broad and dividing lines very fuzzy — for you, perhaps not so much. You feel moved by an artist's expression or you do not. You feel some connection to an artist thru their expression or you do not. You determine how narrow or broad your view or definition of art is for yourself alone in the end — when everything has been said and everyone has finally said it. The most important thing, in my opinion, is to enjoy people and their self-expression as best you're able and don't worry too much about semantics, definitions, and divisions. Let others do the worrying.