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Canon released the 3.030 firmware for the PRO-1000 printer, but I've been unable to find any sort of information about what changed. Has anyone been able to find a change description?
Let's get this sub-forum started!
Canon released the 3.030 firmware for the PRO-1000 printer, but I've been unable to find any sort of information about what changed. Has anyone been able to find a change description?
Good that you mention this firmware update; I didn't notice it at all. Don' t yet know what it does though. Seems to me that more people on the net are asking themselves what it' s for. I didn' t yet update my pro1000. Will wait a bit longer and find out.
Don' t see it on the official Canon website (?)
Just checking to see if anyone had found out more about this or tried it?
I don't have a PRO-1000. I do have a PRO-300, and I have bumped up through two firmware updates since I got the printer. In both cases it was the printer that informed me there was a firmware update available. And when I attempted to search Canon websites for the new firmware and/or any release notes, I could find nothing. I eventually had to open a ticket with Canon support and the answer was vague - I believe they were tightening up security issues.
I think the days of things like release notes for firmware updates are gone.
Have you installed the firmware, if so how is it working for you?