• tiresiaspanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    a year ago

    I'm trying to replicate the colour-only images that Tom Axford posted last year on dpreview in this thread:


    using Affinity Photo, but not having much success. I have tried converting the colour image to LAB, then making only the L channel editable and visible, then filling the whole area with solid mid grey (RGB 128, 128, 128). When I switch the a and b channels to visible I see something a bit like Tom's results but the image is less distinct and much less vibrant.

    Does anyone know how to do this properly?

    BTW: I tried posting a reply to the thread at dpreview, but for some reason it is not showing up - perhaps the thread was considered too old.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago
  • tiresiaspanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    a year ago

    Thanks. It seems very easy in Affinity. Add an HSL adjustment layer, and in its properties box tick HSV (top left) and drag the Luminosity slider to 100%. :)

  • TomAxfordpanorama_fish_eye
    561 posts
    a year ago

    Yes, that sounds right. In HSV, the V channel is defined as V = max(R, G, B), so making V = 100% means that at least one of R, G and B is 100%, which is the maximum luminosity possible for that colour without clipping one of the colour channels.

    The problem with using HSL or LAB is that raising luminosity to 100% can lead to clipping of one or more colour channels, which inadvertently reduces the colour saturation and possibly changes the hue also.

  • 1737 posts
    a year ago

    I don't use Affinity Photo, but in Ps, you just convert to Lab and turn the layers on and off.

    Screenshot 2023-08-20 110402.png

    Screenshot 2023-08-20 110304.png

    Screenshot 2023-08-20 110325.png

    Screenshot 2023-08-20 110402.png

    PNG, 2.0 MB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

    Screenshot 2023-08-20 110304.png

    PNG, 890.3 KB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

    Screenshot 2023-08-20 110325.png

    PNG, 2.3 MB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

  • DeletedRemoved user
    a year ago

    The GIMP has 'decompose' and 'recompose' options and any space can be selected. Here's a trip to HSV and back with S set to 50% and V turned down a bit in Curves:


    Adjusting the Saturation and Value affected the whites big-time!


    JPG, 2.0 MB, uploaded by xpatUSA a year ago.

  • DeletedRemoved user
    a year ago

    If your only interest is in the hues, there's an app called Show Image which will show all them all in living color at 100% saturation:


    Still runs on my Win 7 computer, don't know about later - or Mac for that matter.

  • TomAxfordpanorama_fish_eye
    561 posts
    a year ago

    Yes, that is bound to be the case. Pure whites and neutral greys have 0% saturation, so when the saturation is set to 50%, the only way to do that is to turn it into some arbitrary colour. If the colour is just off-white, setting the saturation to 50% exaggerates the colour hugely.

    In JPEG images, most "whites" will actually be very slightly off-white because of JPEG compression errors and these errors will be hugely exaggerated when the saturation is increased to 50%.

    Errors of this sort can be substantially reduced by using 16-bit TIFF images instead of JPEGs.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    Thanks, that‘s very interesting! Is it possible to reduce the amount of one of those layers/channels (L,a,b) or create a copy of how the image looks when L is deactivated for example?

  • DeletedRemoved user
    a year ago

    No doubt.

    Currently, I am using 32-bit floating point Linear in the GIMP. To get a pure Hue Map, I decompose to HSV; fill S and V with some shade of gray; then recompose.

    ... the result is not for the faint-hearted!

  • 1737 posts
    a year ago

    Sure. Edit one or more of the channels.

    With L* set to 50:



    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    Thanks - I've no idea how to do that though... I can't change opacity/visibility of channels.

  • 1737 posts
    a year ago

    Select the L* channel.

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103719.png

    Select All:

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103800.png

    Fill with 50% gray:

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103823.png

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103904.png

    Turn on all channels:

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 104014.png

    Go to layers to check your work:

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 104051.png

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 104051.png

    PNG, 2.0 MB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 104014.png

    PNG, 2.0 MB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103904.png

    PNG, 162.5 KB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103823.png

    PNG, 732.7 KB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103800.png

    PNG, 887.1 KB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

    Screenshot 2023-08-21 103719.png

    PNG, 878.9 KB, uploaded by JimKasson a year ago.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    Thanks a lot - I‘ll try that!

  • DeletedRemoved user
    a year ago

    I'm thinking that extracting the hues-only in the GIMP and then partially merging the result (adjust opacity) with the original could be interesting.






    Observe the shadow colors ...

    Flower is herbertia lahue


    JPG, 878.0 KB, uploaded by xpatUSA a year ago.


    JPG, 845.5 KB, uploaded by xpatUSA a year ago.


    JPG, 598.4 KB, uploaded by xpatUSA a year ago.

  • TomAxfordpanorama_fish_eye
    561 posts
    a year ago

    Yes, there are many interesting possibilities.

    Here's another one I quite like:


    (done by creating a duplicate layer of mode "HSV Value", then raising the black point in that layer and using Unsharp Mask a couple of times to bring out the detail)


    JPG, 678.0 KB, uploaded by TomAxford a year ago.