This is one of my favourite times for my Architectural photography. The blue hour comes early, around 5PM here. I can do some night photography, and be home in time for my evening meal. For external shots it is my favourite lighting situation.
I've never considered the blue hour in relation to architectural photos. I see what you mean.
Where is this taken NCV? Northern Italy I presume. I'll be there late in 2025.
For my Architectural photography, it solves a lot of problems, as well as creating something visually different.
It eliminates problems with shadows cast by the sun, which can ruin a shot if you have trees or other buildings casting shadows, or if the sunlit side is on one of the other facades. When I use a tripod, a thirty second exposure makes people walking through the shot invisible.
I also get stronger colours.
Duomo di Modena. I had people constantly walking through this shot.
You can see the crowds in the distance. The 15mm lens exaggerates the non verticality of the tower which leans a long way out of plumb, as you can make out in the shot above.
Mike, what places are you planning to visit?