I could not find a way to delete a message. I would like to see that added. Also, I do not care for posting editing history. I would like to see that removed.
I could not find a way to delete a message. I would like to see that added. Also, I do not care for posting editing history. I would like to see that removed.
I too would like to be able to delete i.e. if I accidentally double post, post in the wrong forum, make redundant post, etc.
This forum is a great idea and certainly with time, there'll be improvements. The old DPR set a pretty high bar; it wasn't perfect but it was amongst the best I've seen.
This too will become superb.
They are on the list of things to add.
I'd like these features too. Being able to delete my post right after I posted it, like if we have at least 10 minutes or so, that would be great.
I don't care much about the editing history, but I don't see why we need it.