• Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    2 years ago

    The competitor tries to step above the competition [DPRevived].
    DPR-Forum has introduced "reviews", although the actual reviews aren't there, just placeholder text and photos.
    See here: dprforum.com/community/resources/

    Personally I much prefer DPRevived to DPR-Forum.

  • Gregpanorama_fish_eye
    518 posts
    2 years ago

    What... there are other photography forums !
    Who knew. lol

  • Mackiesbackpanorama_fish_eye
    243 posts
    2 years ago

    I didn't realize it was a competition....LOL

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    We have an ambition to add reviews, but when we do they need to be complete and authoritative, and that isn't something that you get by just inviting user content on a forum. It will take time and resource. It's also a very competitive space - there's a load of photo review sites out there, and there's no point duplicating if you can't do better.

  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    2 years ago

    Sounds wise Bob.

  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    2 years ago

    Jokes aside, you're correct. I was just trying to be dramatic. Not that I succeeded...

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    Based on the user reviews I often saw at DPReview, I’d skip this at DPRForum.

  • Mujanastpanorama_fish_eye
    45 posts
    2 years ago

    I just stay with DPRevived / DPRenewed / DPReview (as long as it lasts) / Fred Miranda / Luminous Landscape (might pay for that last one).
    Refuse to go to Facebook.

  • Neverlost99panorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    2 years ago

    Hey Ken Rockwell has entered the conversation

  • DaveNJhelp_outline
    54 posts
    2 years ago

    I tried to sign up at Cameraderie and they rejected my account sign up. I thought it would make a good companion forum to visit alongside dprevived. Oh well.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago


  • gianstampanorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    2 years ago

    I (We?) desperately need a home page. A few days after the DPRevieved start I posted this:

    Great job, thanks for the new home.

    It might be interesting if there was a photography news category as is the home page of dpreview.com. We could review equipment there regardless of the brand. We also could list links to other photography articles, photography contests and news. Sure there is the open talk forum but I think we could have a page that would gather everything that someone would want to see quickly without getting lost in the forums.


  • nightowlhelp_outline
    2 years ago

    It's all been noted, right now we just have what the forum software gives us and make the best of it. DPRev is currently primarily based around the forum, but as I understand the underlying platform we're using can be extended to serve other content when we get there...

    We've already had some customisations made by the team here, and others will likely come in time - but some features may wait to come from the forum software project (Misago). I believe two examples they're working on are thread view, and notifications.

    I'm also not wild about the categories page, but find the "threads" page is a better way to get the "pulse" of the site, and you can use that to filter down to categories you're interested in (and bookmark).