• deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago

    DxO PhotoLab + PureRaw FAQ ( technical information + manuals / tutorials only )

  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago
  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago
  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago
  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago


  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago

    -- DxO PL6 vs Adobe DNG / DCP tags --


    tested for

    Adobe DNG Standard v1.6 ( most recent as of now ) = helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/photoshop/pdf/dng_spec_1_6_0_0.pdf

    Tag 0хC62A "BaselineExposure" :

    DxO PL6 completely ignores this tag (its value if present) in DNG files ( both in "Classic (Legacy)" and "DxO Wide Gamut" pipelines )

    Tag 0хC7A5 "BaselineExposureOffset" :

    "Classic (Legacy)" pipeline = DxO PL6 completely ignores this tag (its value if present) in DCP camera profiles

    "DxO Wide Gamut" pipeline = DxO PL6 applies tag value (if present, if not present treats as 0.0) from DCP camera profiles

    Tag 0xC7A6 "DefaultBlackRender" : -- as of v6.5 no changes, so this "When applying a DCP Color Rendering, black clipping is not produced anymore. To further adjust the black level, use the Black slider in the Selective Tones palette" from v6.5 release notes does not change how differently 2 color transform pipeline treat this DNG tag in DCP camera profiles

    "Classic (Legacy)" pipeline = DxO PL6 honors the tag (if the tag is absent then treats as = 0) in DCP camera profiles

    "DxO Wide Gamut" pipeline = DxO PL6 ignores the tag (present or absent) in DCP camera profiles

  • Mujanastpanorama_fish_eye
    45 posts
    2 years ago

    Thank you deejjjaaaa! Nice overview!

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from DxO PhotoLab + PureRaw thread ( technical information + manuals / tutorials only ).

  • MarshallGpanorama_fish_eye
    140 posts
    2 years ago

    The most important thing to know:
    PhotoLab is a superset of PureRAW, so if you buy PhotoLab, you don’t need PureRAW.

    PhotoLab is much like Lightroom, a stand-alone RAW editor with DxO’s DeepPRIME noise reduction, their lens corrections, and so on. PureRAW is intended for Lightroom who want a plug-in which adds the DeepPRIME features. So for instance, you can’t adjust white balance, exposure, and shadows with PureRAW. You can use PureRAW as a standalone product, but then you won’t have brightness/shadow and similar functionality.

    I hope this helps. I bought the two products together as a bundle from DxO and it made no sense, once I began to use them.

  • SrMipanorama_fish_eye
    457 posts
    2 years ago

    I have both. Using DxO's PureRAW is simpler and quicker than using PhotoLab.

  • 2 years ago

    Thanks for gathering all this info together. I am a PL5 Elite user.


  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago

    v6.5 release notes = "When applying a DCP Color Rendering, black clipping is not produced anymore. To further adjust the black level, use the Black slider in the Selective Tones palette"

    did they finally fix this matter either way to make it consistent between 2 color transform pipelines ?

    Tag C7A6 "DefaultBlackRender" :

    "Classic (Legacy)" pipeline = DxO PL6 honors the tag (if the tag is absent then treats as = 0) in DCP camera profiles

    "DxO Wide Gamut" pipeline = DxO PL6 ignores the tag (present or absent) in DCP camera profiles

    no they did NOT - old behavior still persists in v6.5

  • CrashpcCZpanorama_fish_eye
    360 posts
    2 years ago

    Great! Many thanks for the info. Will try PureRAW for denoise then. ❤️

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    -I suppose it's the right spot to ask a stupid question on DXO-PL6-

    What do I buy for 219€, a permanent license or an annual fee? ... and what softwares are included ?

    • Organizer, Editor, Denoiser, Focus Stacker, or what else?

    I looked on the DXO site but sadly I missed that piece of information. 🤷‍♂️


    So far I have never used PP software. Only basic functions on Fastone.

    I don't like the idea to depend on 200€/year for Photoshop&LR with a so steep learning curve from zero.

    Correct me - as a retired non-professional casual shooter:
    If I buy PL6 and get used to that, I probably will not need to learn or move or anything else in the future.

    !!! I hate e-Pictures !!!



    ( Nothing to do with Photography )


    PNG, 144.4 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago
  • AnnieNgpanorama_fish_eye
    90 posts
    2 years ago

    You may try PhotoLab 6 for free and check out what it really is and whether you like it or not.

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    Very good hint... thanks!!
    And it should be very fast as well. 👍

    • so far I suppose I will need to buy also a specific like Helicon for Stacking

    Yes, thanks.
    Considering the "learning curve" from Zero... 😒
    ...how much time will be spent just to understand what complex software is or isn't able to do in one direction or the other?

    ( I have an issue understanding what ACR meaning was used in these forums )

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    Some more help needed > I do understand "photography" and adapting my brain to e-cameras
    But I don't get so well with e-pictures:
    why a software like DXO has to "support" a Camera + Lenses...
    ...and I can't understand if it will support this combination.


    I feel dumb, sorry to intrude

    ( even to ask, it's hard when you miss any reference )


    PNG, 248.2 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

  • AnnieNgpanorama_fish_eye
    90 posts
    2 years ago

    I actually learnt the PL6 (except Masking) faster and earlier than LrC. Therefore I think if anyone can use LrC, they should also be able to use PL6.

    Same as ACR in that it needs to read the raw file format and apply lens corrections. PhotoLab is unique in that the lens corrections are manually tested by DxO and applied when a camera/lens combination matches their database.

    Therefore it is important to trial before purchase, to make sure you camera/lens combo is supported by PhotoLab.

  • Flashlightpanorama_fish_eye
    137 posts
    2 years ago

    It's also a business model. If you buy a new camera or lens that was recently launched you need to buy a new version of DxO. In a way it's the same as a subscription model like Adobe uses nowadays.

  • AnnieNgpanorama_fish_eye
    90 posts
    2 years ago

    Just to note that DxO is still updating PL5 to support new cameras (may not be new lenses). The latest version is 5.10 at the moment and it supports Canon R8 and R50. Of course you do not get the latest features (such as DeepPRIME XD) with PL5 updates. I hope DxO would continue to support PL6 when PL7 is released this Fall.

  • Flashlightpanorama_fish_eye
    137 posts
    2 years ago

    BTW, a difference between ACR and PhotoLab is that you can create your own lens profiles for ACR. I did that when Adobe didn't timely come forward with a profile for the Nikon 16-80 lens.

    They supply checkerboard files in different sizes that you need to print (for wide angles these can become quite large). You then photograph these several times (corners, top, bottom center), feed them to the supplied program which then makes the profile. It's a bit of work, but relatively easy. I could not see a difference between my profile and the one from Adobe when it was finally released.

    It could be useful if you have older lenses or ones that are not mainstream.

  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago

    not exactly - Adobe still allows ( or actually forces you ) a customer to use optics correction data that is present in raw file itself... however Adobe for whatever reason does not let you for example to use optics correction that Canon writes for Canon lenses in raw files ... while DxO does not let you to use that same info for all camera makes ... which is bad for customers, as they have to wait till DxO ( when and IF ) makes a profile, instead of at least for the time being use the optics corrections supplied by manufacturer

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    Dowloaded DXO PL6 ... opened it ....
    hmm.... 👀
    I need to spend time just recognizing where to put my moussseeeee!!!!
    Hahaha !!

    ( Sure I will not become crazy ❌ shooting ASIS is good enough for me )

  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago