• AlanShlens
    9 days ago

    That was a surprise, winning number 21. thanks Erik.

    General rules:
    A previous round winner presents a busy or just not so interesting image, having at least some potential for different crops or visions.
    Anyone (except author of original image) can edit the presented image, up to three distinct edits in separate posts are permitted.
    All edits must be based on original image, not on another people's edits (of course borrowing ideas would not be a problem).
    Short explanations about your editing intentions are encouraged, but not required.
    Once the deadline for images has been reached, no new image versions will be accepted. Questions and (polite) discussions of techniques are welcome, so that we can learn from one another how certain edits were achieved.
    The edited version with most likes, wins and its author will start next round.
    On the closing day for voting, if there is a draw in the number of likes for two or more edits, then the person that posted the original image will decide the winner.

    Editing rules:
    All "normal" adjustments (brightness, colours, curves etc) are permitted (both local and global ones).
    All geometric adjustments (perspective, cropping etc) are permitted.
    Artistic effects (brushes, textures etc) are allowed.
    No additions or replacements may be made to the main subject matter of the image; non-essential objects may be removed, and parts of the original image can be "moved" to a different position in the image. Sky replacements are OK unless the sky is the main subject. (We are still refining this rule).
    Generative AI must not be used.

    Get your images posted by March 24th. After that, 2 days to vote and decide which is best.

    You can vote during the entire contest plus two days after the image submission deadline.
    I'll post reminders.

    In January, I went over to York and found the street shown below. I took the picture because of the coloured tables, but looking at it, there are a number of different ways of looking at it. So, what do you think? Can you find the perfect image from this shot? The RAW file can be found here. www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mfl2hyg2oatc79l4qffw6/ADCF0056.RAF?rlkey=gpigxehr300lq4lg7h78lmggg&dl=1

    ADCF0056 (Superlarge).JPG

    [edit] - I've been playing with this picture for ages. When the time comes and voting has finished, I'll upload my attempts with my reasons for doing it.

    ADCF0056 (Superlarge).JPG

    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by AlanSh 9 days ago.

  • ArvoJlens
    9 days ago

    The place


    DXO Photolab, camera/Velvia rendering, geometry correction, [very difficult] crop, dynamics and color adjustments.


    JPG, 1.6 MB, uploaded by ArvoJ 9 days ago.

  • Sagittariuspanorama_fish_eye
    747 posts
    9 days ago

    Version 1

    Adobe LR adoptive color, opened up shadows, cropped from the bottom, replaced sky - kept it overcast but brought some life, Topaz Photo AI sharpen and face recovery,


    JPG, 5.3 MB, uploaded by Sagittarius 9 days ago.

  • Sagittariuspanorama_fish_eye
    747 posts
    9 days ago

    Version 2
    Last sellers


    JPG, 4.3 MB, uploaded by Sagittarius 9 days ago.

  • ErikWithaKpanorama_fish_eye
    158 posts
    9 days ago

    Here's a B&W attempt to exploit the texture. I'll probably have a go with color at some point too. Edited in Lightroom. Choosing a satisfying crop proved a bit difficult for me, nothing seemed "just right" (still isn't). I monkeyed with the geometry a little and went with a balance of the three chimneys.

    15.13.52ID edit.jpg

    15.13.52ID edit.jpg

    JPG, 9.4 MB, uploaded by ErikWithaK 8 days ago.

  • 204 posts
    8 days ago

    I'm not sure why, but I fancied an oil painting look for this one...




    JPG, 1.9 MB, uploaded by TimRichards 8 days ago.

  • ArvoJlens
    8 days ago

    Same here - there is just too little space left above the chimney.
    But we have to work with what we have, this the point here :)

  • 1879 posts
    8 days ago

    Well, I just took the liberty to expand the sky the old fashioned way.



    JPG, 6.8 MB, uploaded by minniev 8 days ago.

  • 1879 posts
    8 days ago

    And then there's a monochrome take on it. In this one I found the writing on the sign a distraction so I got rid of it.



    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by minniev 8 days ago.

  • in2laplandpanorama_fish_eye
    32 posts
    8 days ago

    LrC: Crop to 16:9; Standard: clicked on Autom.; some texture, clarity; and fiddling with the color mixer



    JPG, 722.6 KB, uploaded by in2lapland 8 days ago.

  • in2laplandpanorama_fish_eye
    32 posts
    8 days ago

    PS: CTRL / CMD + I


    JPG, 836.4 KB, uploaded by in2lapland 8 days ago.

  • 1879 posts
    8 days ago

    And for a radically different version, I got rid of the tables, by dragging pieces of the building and road around to cover them up. A heavy crop, color work, then a trip through JixiPix for some artistic processing, and a texture overlay. jADCF0056.jpg


    JPG, 2.2 MB, uploaded by minniev 8 days ago.

  • AlanShlens
    8 days ago

    Don't forget, you don't have to wait until the end to post your 'likes'. I've seen some fantastic images so far (I am not sure I am allowed to vote).


  • ArvoJlens
    8 days ago

    You are totally allowed to vote. You may defer your votes up to final day however - to not bias future submissions to your liking :)

  • ArvoJlens
    8 days ago



    DXO Photolab, Velvia (color) + Neopan Acros (BW) rendering, sepia, geometry, crop
    Corel PSP, color+BW combining


    JPG, 2.1 MB, uploaded by ArvoJ 8 days ago.

  • Sagittariuspanorama_fish_eye
    747 posts
    8 days ago

    Version 3
    Basic corrections in Topaz Studio 2


    JPG, 6.1 MB, uploaded by Sagittarius 8 days ago.

  • ErikWithaKpanorama_fish_eye
    158 posts
    7 days ago

    Same crop as my first submission, but this one's in color. I just tried to make it look as I imagined the original scene might have in somewhat better light, and kept it as natural as possible. Not a fake sky. Lightroom.

    15.13.52ID edit-2.jpg

    15.13.52ID edit-2.jpg

    JPG, 15.5 MB, uploaded by ErikWithaK 3 days ago.

  • ArvoJlens
    6 days ago

    The Mickey Mouse Collection


    DXO Photolab, Ektachrome rendering, dynamics and color adjustments, crop
    Corel PSP, slight vignette+blur


    JPG, 998.1 KB, uploaded by ArvoJ 6 days ago.

  • AlanShlens
    6 days ago

    Ah, I wondered when someone would look over there.

  • ArvoJlens
    4 days ago

    You all have only about two days left to submit your wonderful interpretations, do not miss your chance!

  • 19andrew47panorama_fish_eye
    569 posts
    3 days ago

    It has been a long time since I actively participated on this forum, although I look in regularly.

    I added a border to the top to expand the top of the image. I do not own any generative Ai software so anything I do is generally by cloning or simply adding space. Some crops and colour variations.



    JPG, 3.7 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 3 days ago.

  • ArvoJlens
    2 days ago

    You have only few hours left to post your last edits!
    We have seen last-minute submissions in past EditMe threads, I hope to see some more images here too.

    Alan delegated me the task of putting up some reminders, that is why I'm posting again. Sorry :)

  • ArvoJlens
    a day ago

    OK, enough is enough - submissions are now closed. Start voting now!

    Sorry Hawaii and Alaska, you need to act quicker next time :)