• Members 1526 posts
    Sept. 27, 2024, 10:18 p.m.

    Holy shit! Sorry 😳
    Given the quality of my English, this will be short and sweet.


    A Copy/Paste of β€œEdit Me An Image #3”

    General rules

    β€œA previous round winner presents a busy or just not so interesting image, having at least some potential for different crops or visions
    anyone (except author of original image) can edit the presented image, up to three distinct edits in separate posts are permitted
    all edits must be based on original image, not on another people's edits (of course borrowing ideas would not be a problem)
    the edited version gathering most likes within a week or so, wins and its author will start next round
    all 'normal' adjustments (brightness, colors, curves etc) are permitted (both local and global ones)
    all geometric adjustments (perspective, cropping etc) are permitted
    artistic effects (brushes, textures etc) are allowed
    no object addition or replacement is allowed, non-essential objects may however be removed, and parts of the original image can be "moved" to a different position in the image.
    generative AI must not be used
    Short explanations about your editing intentions are encouraged, but not required.
    Once the deadline for images has been reached, no new image versions will be accepted. Questions and (polite) discussions of techniques are welcome, so that we can learn from one another how certain edits were achieved.
    On the closing day for voting, if there is a draw in the number of likes for two or more edits, then the person that posted the original image will decide the winner.”

    About this photo: Sorry, I only shoot jpeg with my X-T5, my old Sierra 10.12.6 system is not compatible with RAW
    But looking at the first three publications, I am confident that we will have several convincing results.


    Download this copy

    Get your Images posted by Oct. 7 β€œVote whenever you want. Voting will be extended a couple of days after the image submission deadline for those who would prefer to vote after everything is posted.”


    JPG, 6.3Β MB, uploaded by Maoby on Sept. 27, 2024.

  • Members 3436 posts
    Sept. 27, 2024, 10:43 p.m.

    Just a suggestion πŸ™‚

    I noticed in the first 3 threads that all the submissions were done in the first 3 or 4 days and then stopped.

    Everyone then sat around for a few days twiddling their thumbs waiting for the closing date and a "winner" to be announced.

    Perhaps consider closing submissions 4 or 5 days maximum after the start of the thread and announce a "winner" within 24 hours maximum.

    A faster pace would encourage more interest and participation with more frequent starter images to "play" with.

    As they say - a fast game is a good game.

    As always, just some food for thought πŸ™‚

  • Members 1416 posts
    Sept. 27, 2024, 11:36 p.m.

    Not sure we can get there yet, but I agree our eventual goal should probably be to complete the thread in a week, and start the new one on the same day each week, like most of our other regular features. A regular schedule is a good thing(5/2 is a good breakdown). It's OK if we don't get there for a few more rounds, though. We are still fiddling a bit with the details, and it's good to have the rules/guidelines/timetables flexible while we do that. It's hard to do a new feature like this when you're putting in new hosts every round but a great way to get more people involved. Will of course want to hear from Arvo since it's his invention.

  • Members 3436 posts
    Sept. 27, 2024, 11:58 p.m.

    Fair enough minniev but the risk I see in having slow moving threads like the first 3, is that the hosts have had to bump their threads to stop them drifting too far down the Thread List page.

    Hosts bumping threads is not a good look and sends the wrong message imo.

    Having people twiddle their thumbs for a few days waiting for a "winner" to be announced is more likely to discourage interest in these threads than encourage it.

    More frequent threads helps keep the idea and concept of these threads near the top of the Threads List page and so hopefully encourage more participation.

    I'll leave it that and this thread #4 can run its course.

  • Members 285 posts
    Sept. 28, 2024, 1:07 a.m.

    Ouch, the rules copypasta are a bloody mess on my device...
    But i'll assume there is no change...

    Well, if it's intended as a documentary photo i'd use a crop of the unadulterated sooc JPEG.

    Anyway, here's my first edit file~1 (1).jpg

    file~1 (1).jpg

    JPG, 2.3Β MB, uploaded by finnan on Sept. 28, 2024.