• Members 157 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 2:20 p.m.

    A member has taken to editing other Member's pictures without permission and rudely saying that his rendering is better theirs.

    Is this type of trolling "allowed"?

  • Members 684 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 4:43 p.m.

    I don't know if it's "allowed", but in my mind, it's a cowardly way to behave.

    Steve Thomas

  • Oct. 5, 2024, 5:17 p.m.

    Generally editing other users images is implicitly allowed, unless image author has not clearly prohibited that; in our big recurring threads (C&C and others) this is likely explicitly stated in thread start posts too - at least I have seen such statements somewhere.
    There have been few threads were editing other users images was discussed. I would say about third or fourth of our users do not like that, other people have nothing against it.

    What about particular member - he just misuses that option :(

  • Members 3502 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 7:55 p.m.

    The fact that you haven't posted a link to an example post tells me you are not telling the truth when you say permission has not been granted.

  • Members 1491 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 8:13 p.m.

    I am not aware of the situation you are describing, as It is probably in a thread I do not follow. But I will take it as an excuse to talk about CC.

    Commenting on other peoples pictures, is a delicate thing. In photo forums it is not always done tactfully and at worst, is done to stroke the critics, self ego. We have all seen the bullying self appointed expert in photo forums.

    If somebody has posted a picture, it is presumed they were happy with it and wished to share it. It is good manners to be tactful, pointing out things that are not quite right, using words like "maybe" or "perhaps", when suggesting improvements. Even those of us with a lot of photography under our belt, make mistakes and miss things. In another couple of threads, I was pleased to get a couple of comments pointing out things I missed in a shot. We all make mistakes, and miss that sloping horizon at times.

    Even if I had the time to spare, I would not personally ever consider post processing a picture sombody else posted, unless of course they asked. Much better to suggest improvements and let the owner of the picture experiment and discover for his/her self, how to improve the picture. But we all have different tastes in how a picture should look.

    Maybe we all worry too much about how our photographs look. Most non photographers will never see, or worry about stuff we consider to be flaws.

  • Members 3502 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 8:30 p.m.

    Only if the editing is done without permission.

    Because online image theft cannot be prevented I only post my images online that I don't care what people do with - download them, edit them, repost them, sell them, whatever.

  • Members 3502 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 9:09 p.m.

    This appears at the start of the weekly Wednesday C&C thread -

  • Members 131 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 9:10 p.m.

    I've not seen that behavior on this site. Generally there is only one weekly thread where it is explicitly understood that you invite that level of C&C unless you clearly state otherwise. I've not seen this abused by anybody.

    Personally I don't understand the concept that you can produce thousands of copies of a single image and demand that not one person tears one in half or draws a comedy glasses and mustache over it (even a copy of the Mona Lisa has had that done), just in the same way i don't think a musician can demand silence, you command it. If the image has value it will stand on it's own, or if you throw it into the internet it might actually come out better, certainly the journey may prove interesting and has zero impact on your original photo and ideas safe and sound on your own HD.

    As far as the "rudely" part, this is a semi-anonymous internet forum, typed words without intonation or facial expression. You have to allow a flexibility in intent when reading rather than jump to assumptions.

    See beyond your own opinion, if you get my drift... 😉😉

  • Members 157 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 9:10 p.m.

    Here's one, complete with snark "From what I have seen of your posted images I hope one day that you will get it right."


  • Members 3502 posts
    Oct. 5, 2024, 9:16 p.m.

    Permission was granted by Kumsal in the c&c thread the post came from.

    My reply to Kumsal is in the context of his earlier snarky posts to minniev, myself and others in that and other threads.

    In recent weekly c&c threads Kumsal has made it clear to other members their images need to look realistic to him.

    Feel free to have a read through Kumsal's posts in the c&c threads over the last few weeks
