1) I ran a nozzle check, which indicated that the LG head needed cleaning. (Only one or two gaps.)
Note: The VLM and VM blocks were fine.
2) Ran a cleaning.
3) Ran a nozzle check. The VLM block was blank.
4) Ran a cleaning again.
5) Ran a nozzle check. Now both the VLM and VM blocks were blank.
6) Ran a cleaning.
7) Ran a nozzle check. Now both the VM and VLM blocks show faint traces of color.
8) Repeated nozzle checks and cleaning several more times, with the same result: VM and VLM blocks
showing faint traces (small randomly spaced lines) of color, all other blocks O.K. with no gaps.
My conclusions:
1) Very unlikely that both the VM and VLM heads would suddenly become so clogged that a number of
cleanings would not clear them.
2) Something common to both the VM and VLM channels has failed. (Pressurization?)
3) The printer needs repair or replacement.
Neither is a happy choice.
The place in Albuquerque (nearest to Santa Fe) no longer has a Web site, and the next nearest is in
Replacement means $$$.
Does anyone have suggestions that might fix the problems w.o. repair or replacement?
Thank you very much.
Note: All cleanings listed were regular cleanings, not power.
The ink levels are too low to perform a power cleaning.
And given that the feed to those two heads seems to have failed, and that head clogs don't seem to be
the problem, not clear what a power cleaning would accomplish.
P.S. I installed new VM and VLM cartridges before running the later nozzle checks and cleanings.