• Members 535 posts
    May 18, 2023, 5:08 p.m.

    I wear multifocal spectacles, nonetheless under 60cm everything I see is quite confusing,
    and more if something is dark. But hey... I can see a better-contrasted area!

    Here is a small solution.
    It helps me find the Point and as well it remembers me the direction to unlock that stupid caps.
    I lose a lot of time with them because they get stuck every time!

    2023-05-18 18.38.21.jpg

    Same for the hood + it helps to find FAST the spot to push the cover's unlocks

    2023-05-18 18.41.45.jpg

    Memory failing is a strange thing.
    You remember some, and some other seems you are not able to fix and keep them even after 10 times you force nail them.

    § You feel stupid, but you are only a little more than 3 times young as you were !

    ( three times twenty-two years young ).

    2023-05-18 18.41.45.jpg

    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by AlainCh2 on May 18, 2023.

    2023-05-18 18.38.21.jpg

    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by AlainCh2 on May 18, 2023.

  • Members 56 posts
    May 19, 2023, 2:13 p.m.

    Dear friend, you might have to check for new spectacles.

    How long had you started wearing progressive/multi focal glasses? How old is your current pair?

    Reading range is around 60cm away. When I was tested for my presbyopia, I had to read a line of small print around 60cm away.

    I started wearing progressive spectacles >2 decades and during my early days, I changed my glasses every few years, mainly because of the reading range whereas my long seeing range was basically unchanged. A reason I asked the above.

    When I was early 60, the changing speed slowed down. Last pair was 4~5 years old. I should be able to see full range clearly.

    If you found the deterioration becoming too fast, better check for cataract. A very common issue with age.

  • Members 535 posts
    May 19, 2023, 3:03 p.m.

    Thanks for caring Albert !!

    I bought my first bi-focal pair at 19.
    Enough was enough to run around with three pairs: One Far, one Music, and one Reading.

    I've read all life long over 4-5.000 pages per month, till the second stroke.
    So any issues on the near-sight there were not acceptable.
    .-. I'm missing reading so much - Post Traumatic Syndrome negated me that pleasure
    -9 minutes is the max I can do - good only for forums - not enough even for user manuals.

    Multifocal cames around '84 - 28 yo
    The lenses I'm wearing are 11 months old ...
    ... I had to redo them after 10 days because something was amiss with the first pair 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    I usually change them every 18 months.
    As I suspected last year were was an incoming degradation.

    Now I use +3 AddOns for near work, and I need at least +2 for seeing some on the Z30 monitor, waiting for some stabilization before getting the new pair.

    I've done the last visit 5 months ago, and nothing wrong with my eyes:
    Astigmatism is stable but Hypermetropia is not 🤓 I'm aiming next visit around the end of June.

    ( I can still recognize a cow from a horse under the 3km limit )

  • Members 56 posts
    May 20, 2023, 12:57 a.m.

    I started wearing spectacle around 8~9 years old, firstly for myopia and was very quickly suffered from astigmatism too. I could see nothing clear without my glasses until now. I changed to progressive focal glasses because of my age.

    The changing speed should be too fast.

    While I said I had changed my glasses often, I meant a few years (for most new pair of spectacles, excellent sight for the first 1~2 years, then the reading range would become useless with time. Usually another year or two I would better put away my glasses to read with the paper a few inches away...), not short as that. Optometrists explained to me that it was normal for the development of presbyopia with age. Now the development of my presbyopia is getting stable and so the frequency of changing glasses has been slowed down.

    I concern on any hidden issue because of the experience of my wife. She was treated for a serious disease years ago and the medication had affected the maturity of her cataract. For a period of time nearly right after her recovery (cataract was out of our radar at that time), her eyesight (she has myopia only) went on a roller coaster Journey. Usual eye sight testing found -5 from -3, then jumped to -6, -7 within months and back to -3... Just changed spectacles and optometrist within months until we were recommended a thorough eye examination and found the root of the problem. After replaced her cornea with progressive focal length IOL, her eyesight has been restored to nearly perfect now. It was happened some 12 years ago...

    Therefore I would consider a thorough eye examination if I am in your shoe for a second opinion. There might be something behind the surface.

    Good luck and good health.

  • Members 109 posts
    May 20, 2023, 3:35 a.m.

    I put a white marks on my lens hoods in the 12 oclock positions needed to put on the hood. On the reverse I also have a marks for installing the hoods backwards for storage. My eyesight is OK but I hate fumbling trying to put the hoods on.

  • Members 56 posts
    May 21, 2023, 1:13 a.m.

    As a matter of fact, I do similarly onto a few of my lenses. I adapt a few film manual lenses onto my MILC. Since these old film lenses do not offer a very clear indication on the mounting position, I sticked a rhinestone there such that I can see where to mount the lens easier, also I could do it by feeling too. 😀



    JPG, 1.0 MB, uploaded by AlbertM43user on May 21, 2023.