• BillFerrishelp_outline
    369 posts
    2 years ago

    Turkey vultures are omnipresent in northern Arizona. They routinely patrol Lake Mary Road for roadkill and fresh kills by the area's predators. Fledglings can be seen soaring above Switzer Mesa in northcentral Flagstaff each spring. I often see 5 to 10 vultures working Mormon Lake Overlook. And they're curious about people, probably because they associate us (and our vehicles) with food.

    In this photo, a turkey vulture keeps its eye on the prize while cruising along the rim overlooking Mormon Lake.



    JPG, 782.7 KB, uploaded by BillFerris 2 years ago.

  • tprevattpanorama_fish_eye
    431 posts
    2 years ago


    Only a face a mother cold love. 😉 Great shot.

  • BillFerrishelp_outline
    369 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks Truman. I wonder if they think the same of us? It reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode, "Eye of the Beholder."