(Posted this on the interim site, moving it here.)
I've always had kind of a thing for quirky cameras (hello, Pentax Q, Fuji X10) and small cameras (Q, Pen-F, GM5), so when I started looking at full-frame, what would catch my attention but the fp?

I don't have this camera but I'm considering it for flat stitching mounted on the back of a view camera. The size and lack of a grip would make it perfect I think. Does it have a magnified view for focusing on the rear screen? That would be a critical thing as I wouldn't want to use a viewfinder.

Things I love:
- Size/handling
- Easy to customize grips and handling
- Great rendering, especially good low light performance
- Simple but effective controls - I honestly prefer having a few controls that are easy to get to and reconfigure over festooning a body with buttons, and the fp strikes just the right balance for me.
Things I wish could be improved:
- IBIS would be nice to have. I currently work around the issue by limiting shutter speed to 1/60, which is workable because of the good high-ISO performance, but far from ideal.
- Neither viewfinder is ideal. The LCD Viewfinder is surprisingly effective, but very bulky. The EVF is less bulky, but still awkward and has a tendency to catch on things when you're pulling it out/putting it back in - also, it's further from the grip than I'd like (though I do appreciate the upper-left position).
- For manual lenses, something Olympus does that I wish others would pick up on - you can save up to 10 lens name/focal length/max aperture entries, which are used for running the IBIS but are also written to EXIF. Much more convenient than going back and tagging the pics later.
Any other fp lovers out there?