• Members 318 posts
    May 11, 2023, 5:06 p.m.

    WN The E-MX1 is a great camera but heavy and big for MFT Dave uses on so maybe he could chip in here but ur O-m1 is a better camera and has everything the E-MX1 has with more processing power and speed 👍
    I remember him saying somewhere that the reason he didn’t upgrade is the E-m1X did everything he needed

    Strong text

  • Members 676 posts
    May 11, 2023, 5:23 p.m.

    I like the better viewfinder on the OM1 (a feature that I thought they should have added to the M1.3 & M1X and was one of the reasons I got the M1.2 at that time!! ) My main problem today with the OM1 is that I am resisting adding another set of batteries to the system as I probably wouldn't retire any of the other cameras and I already am juggling three sets of batteries .. The M1X is large but I would probably nail the 100-400mm lens to it and take it away from the yard only to places like the local wildlife refuge. I like the second processor dedicated to AF .. I almost bought the Cannon 70D (I think that was the one) when they added that second processor. I also like the ability to easily use it in portrait mode ... so its a possibility not sure the limited use I have mapped out for it justifies acquiring one .. and since I just added that 40-150mm lens it would require some delicate negotiation ...


  • Members 318 posts
    May 11, 2023, 5:30 p.m.

    Well WN this is one of the best photos I have ever taken and my favourite of them all taken with the E-M1 X and the Olympus 100-400 lens E58331B9-2C57-417F-B8C3-940ABA2E09FB-DeNoiseAI-standard.jpeg


    JPG, 7.8 MB, uploaded by maranatha on May 11, 2023.

  • Members 676 posts
    May 11, 2023, 7:21 p.m.

    You're making this difficult & .. generating GAS .. Here in USA Adarama has it at full price and marked as Close Out which I interpret as OM Sys about to Discontinue .. B&H has it at Half price ..Will step back now and argue myself out of it .. maybe ...

    BTW that is a beautiful rendition of that bird!!! ..and doesn't help me step back a bit .. but then negotiations haven't begun ....


  • Members 318 posts
  • Members 81 posts
    May 11, 2023, 7:46 p.m.

    $1000 for a used EM1X is OK I guess. I'm not wild about the form factor for to each his own. That's half the price of a new OM-1 (body).

  • Members 676 posts
    May 11, 2023, 7:53 p.m.

    Thank you I have seen those offers at mpb and K&H ... but still just GAS .. no action!!! ....


  • Members 81 posts
    May 11, 2023, 8:47 p.m.

    There's absolutely nothing lacking in the images that you've been posting! And no reason (other than GAS) to spend any money.

    • Gary