• raythentichelp_outline
    252 posts
    2 years ago

    Making a distinction between 'beginner' and an 'advanced user' might be beneficial here as personally I cant imagine for any novice wanting to dive (deep) into raw territory allready. Whenever new to photography the user gets motivated by the urge to capture the moment, any distraction at that point in time with (at that point in time) 'dull theory' will demotivate sooner than it will motivate.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    I was still a beginner when I first became aware of raw data files as opposed to just sooc jpegs.

    It wasn't a huge leap for me going from sooc jpegs to processing raw files.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    There isn't a clear boundary between a 'beginner' and an 'advanced user'. Some people consider themselves 'beginners' whilst others with the same level of knowledge and proficiency would consider themselves 'advanced users'. An if you look through the BQ forum on DPReview you find many queries about 'raw territory'. The problem is that if your brain gets filled with false notions at the start it becomes very hard to unlearn.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    We aren't talking about anything approaching 'scientific papers'. This is the very basics of photography, which you'd find in almost every textbook published before the internet weaved its wonders of meme creation and popular misinformation. It's just that you, like everyone else in that camp, are just in denial about the limit of your knowledge of the basics and object to the idea that people just starting out might be taught more than you ever understood.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    Lol. You have a very distorted view of "the basics" and of beginners. The best teachers, the ones that people actually listen to, are the ones that make the subject matter logical, and easily understood. Not go on and on and on, Ad infinitum, on the definition of one single word. For example

  • SrMipanorama_fish_eye
    457 posts
    2 years ago

    One of the most essential life wisdom also applies on this forum: A lesson is repeated until learned.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    I haven't come across a beginner yet that was unable to understand a basic fundamental of photography in that exposure is the amount of light that struck the sensor per unit area while the shutter was open.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    What do you think that the basics for beginners are then? Is not exposure one of them?

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    Jims comment to the lady , “However, it’s important to note that higher ISO values may introduce noise, reducing the overall image quality.”

    At the same exposure, setting the ISO higher will reduce input-referred read noise or leave it unaffected. Photon noise is determined by exposure, not ISO setting.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Sure, the lady, whom we should assume is an expert, should be expected to read this and understand why her article is erroneous. It was not directed at the lay audience.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    So, when developing a course you introduce concepts in a staged manner, not all at once. What you don't do is introduce erroneous matter at the start, then sometime later say 'forget all that, it was wrong, this is what is actually right'.
    What this means is that putting teaching material at an appropriate level for a beginner is absolutely no excuse for making it erroneous.

  • TonyBeachpanorama_fish_eye
    206 posts
    2 years ago

    You might want to know the best RPM to be at to attain maximum torque. The driver who has learned that probably has more skill than the one that hasn't learned it.

    Not to get bogged down in analogies, because they ultimately fail. The point is that understanding the "inner workings" of a thing can be beneficial at being a better practitioner of that thing.

  • Stigpanorama_fish_eye
    599 posts
    2 years ago

    For those of us who know nothing about photography- please stand back from the camera...

  • finnanhelp_outline
    322 posts
    2 years ago


  • IliahBorgpanorama_fish_eye
    976 posts
    2 years ago

    Not Thomson?

  • Stigpanorama_fish_eye
    599 posts
    2 years ago

    More explosive would be Dr. Otto Hahn, Dr. Lise Meitner and Dr. Fritz Strassman...

  • finnanhelp_outline
    322 posts
    2 years ago


  • DonCoxpanorama_fish_eye
    280 posts
    2 years ago

    A long way in which direction ?
    Don Cox