Actually I like some of those signs in titles - makes recognizing threads easier. Of course if every weekly thread starts to use some distinctive symbol pattern, then this will be worse than using just normal text as title.
Actually I like some of those signs in titles - makes recognizing threads easier. Of course if every weekly thread starts to use some distinctive symbol pattern, then this will be worse than using just normal text as title.
It's a hangover from DPReview posts where they did need to draw attention to themselves.
Well, then, you aren't using nearly enough of those characters then! ;)
Thanks Alan. I'm glad to know the back linking will still work.
@rodriguezPhoto has written:I would however like the name to simply be "Sunday Cat!" as a direct reference to its founding post from 2007
I've done that on the production site. However, Sunday Cat! doesn't read well as the exclamation mark conficts with the "t". It reads better as "Sunday Cats!" - would you be OK if I changed it to that?
Sorry, I'm not picturing this. Could you provide a screenshot or a link to the example?
Just look at the text above. To me the "t" and the "!" conflict and it looks like "catl" whereas "cats!" is much cleaner.
Just look at the text above. To me the "t" and the "!" conflict and it looks like "catl" whereas "cats!" is much cleaner.
Personally, I don't have a problem with Cat! as it is. I really think it's more a font issue. The original on DPR has a longer tail on the t, or more space between letters, creating a bigger gap between it and the ! However as long as the weekly thread titles can continue in their current form, I can live with the change, presumably on the shortcut button. Thanks.
I think everyone needs to see the bigger strategy here.
We need new members. The changes being made are designed to support a recruitment plan that will take place in several stages.
The new Landing/Web page
is critical. It explains what we are on about that makes us different to other sites. It gets new arrivals rapidly to areas that might engage them. The weekly threads are part of the strategy. They ensure that people see plenty of fresh activity.
The Forum Index page is fine for those of us familiar with The Photo. It's a mess for anyone new to the site- full of links to barely used threads. Try looking at the old Forum Index page through the eyes of a new arrival. On average, a visitor to a new site will make two clicks. If they don't get engaged by what they find, they leave, never to return.
If a new arrival likes what they find and becomes a member, they will learn their way around the Forum Index page and, like everyone else, use Threads, when they sign in.
We need current members to have a look at the new Landing/web page and what it is saying about this site.
Mike - not disagreeing with anything you've said