• Members 456 posts
    Nov. 6, 2023, 2:33 p.m.


    Thread title says it all, really.

    Add the Fuji to the Pentax 645Z as reaching the end of their production lives.


  • Members 861 posts
    Nov. 6, 2023, 3:51 p.m.

    Shame it won't cause a lens price drop.

  • Members 456 posts
    Nov. 6, 2023, 8:43 p.m.


    Nope. I don't see where any of the GF lenses will be experiencing a price drop any time soon ....


  • Members 177 posts
    Nov. 8, 2023, 8:55 a.m.

    I think it's only natural that the 100mp version would outsell the 50mp version, but the 50 sure died young..

  • Members 456 posts
    Nov. 8, 2023, 1:16 p.m.


    Sony decided to quit making the 50 MP sensor some time ago. That would bring up the Last Time Buy for the camera makers using that sensor. After that, to my surprise, Fuji announced the 50 mk 2. So they bought quite a quantity of 50 MP sensors. But, when they run out, the model has to die. There's no second source supplier for those sensors.

    It went along for a much longer time than I expected, actually. If it were me in the Project Manager role (and that's what I do by way of profession, just not at Fuji), I'd have quit with the 50 MP models shortly after releasing the first 100 MP one....


  • Members 61 posts
    Jan. 25, 2025, 8:37 a.m.

    I still think there is room for a 50mp camera in this space, but in the absence of a suitably more modern sensor is not going to happen now. I picked up a 50Sii new with 35-70 when the shops were getting rid of their stock and am really happy with it and have no desire to get a 100mp body as I just dont need the mp

  • Members 456 posts
    Jan. 25, 2025, 11:59 a.m.


    It had to happen eventually once Sony dropped the 50 MP sensor from their catalog. They gave their customers a last time buy then shut the line down once they'd filled those orders. Actually, I expected to hear of the 50s-II discontinuation before it actually happened.

    Like you, I don't really need 100 MP but I like BSI far better. And the 100 MP does offer reduced aliasing vs the 50 MP. I would have bought such before now, but I'm deeply involved with other work and so don't have time to do any travelling and shooting. So I have stuck with my now really ancient Pentax 645D.


  • Members 1591 posts
    Jan. 25, 2025, 2:43 p.m.

    The Pentax 645D may be very old, as you say, but it's still a great camera.
    And the lenses are so affordable! 😇

  • Members 61 posts
    Jan. 25, 2025, 3:27 p.m.

    For slow paced subjects I'm more than happy with how it performs, for faster subjects I wouldn't consider MF anyway so will continue with this one until it breaks, then I guess given the investment in lenses i'll get another GFX but will need to be a 100mp one I guess

  • Members 456 posts
    Jan. 25, 2025, 11:25 p.m.


    The P645D has been just fine for me. There are features the 645Z offers which, of course, the D doesn't have. Such as greatly improved higher ISO and Live View. At the time, 2020, the D was far more affordable than the Z. Or the GFX 50 Mark-I models.

    Then the first GFX 100 came out and I rather thought Pentax would follow suit. Or, even use the sister 150 MP sensor since their lenses would cover the larger surface area. But, no.

    So now I'm thinking of a GFX 100 Mark-II. But not until I have the time to get out there and make good use of it.

    I plan on using my P645 lenses with it though. I likely will only buy one GF lens,.the 45-100. Just so I have one native lens which can be auto-focused (no AF adapter out there for P645 lenses).


  • Members 61 posts
    Jan. 26, 2025, 8:10 a.m.

    Hi Stan,

    Currently on my wall printed at A2 is this GFX50Sii image taken with a P645 A 150mm f3.5. Absolutely love the colours in this




    JPG, 104.9 KB, uploaded by AndyG on Jan. 26, 2025.