Good afternoon!
Back in simpler times, a DPReview member named "Macro" generously created and shared a .jar file to translate X-Acquire backup .dat files into human language. I belatedly discovered that thread this week while trying to create a personal archive of DPReview conversations most meaningful to me.
I downloaded the .jar earlier today, and tried a test run on an old .dat file before running a new backup. But, my Windows 7 laptop wants to know what program to use to run it. I know it's not a program. But I tried specifying the .dat file anyway, to no avail. Then, I tried the reverse -- opening the .dat file first, then specifying the .jar file as the 'program' -- still with no success. What am I doing wrong?
I have posted a reply to Macro on, but since I don't know if he will even see it, or to what other forum he may have migrated, I'm seeking assistance from the DPRevived community. Any suggestions you might be able to offer would be most welcome.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank the admins and all the members of both the Fuji X forum and the Sony Cybershot forum for all of your informative posts and helpful instructions these past years. Although I just registered, I was a faithful reader of DPReview for a long time: you've all informed my choices of cameras, lenses and software, and for that I'm immensely grateful. A big thanks, too, to Bob, Alan and the many others who turned on a dime to fill the chasm that will be left when DPReview is shut down.