• Members 535 posts
    May 12, 2023, 6:59 p.m.

    I’m guessing that we already have a request for User Galleries — a way to see the collection of images a given user has posted. If not, put it towards the bottom of the list.

    If this should come to fruition, I’d also like the ability to hide images within my gallery that are not representative of work I’d normally share. For example, screenshots I’ve uploaded to provide site help and flawed images used as illustrations during discussions. I have no objection to a toggle that allows viewers to see these hidden files if they're searching for them — they’ve already been shared publicly — but it would be nice if the initial gallery view consisted of images that represent a maker's body of work.

  • May 12, 2023, 8:06 p.m.

    Yes, galleries are in the feature list.Not sure of timescales yet - we were discussing that (timescales) this morning and there's loads of variables.

    Your idea of an exclusion list is a good idea. I'll make sure it's passed along.
