A nice set Dave. I could use them and Rich's (Bel.) English sheep to keep my lawn in check. We have deer here but I don't see them as often as before. We have apple and pear trees that go unharvested so one might think they would be of interest but the local environment here is changing. The neighbour to the north cut down a bunch of forest to build a house and shop and clear some open land. A lot of noisy activity over the past ten years that is much less now. Then some very rich people bought the farm below us. We are up about 70 ft in height from the valley below. It is a flood plain. In spite of that they managed to get a building permit to build a house and shop down there. (Money, money, money!) So for the past five years there has been construction going on below us pretty much seven days a week building a road and preparation for the house which has not yet started. Bangs and booms I am sure do not encourage the wildlife to hang around. On the plus side the property has been posted and I don't think there is as much hunting as before!!!!!
Well I don't feel as sore today as most days and that grass of which I spoke needs mowing so I guess I will go out and mow the parts that I have managed to pick up branches from! If I don't show up again you will know I did something stupid, again!