• Members 2366 posts
    May 8, 2024, 1:48 a.m.

    so i re-purposed my old phone today rather than buying a dedicated internet radio, saved $200 ive been looking at a new uhs2 card as i havnt a spare, I had an old one from 7 years ago that had been playing up in the past and it just was put aside. so after discovering that my new sandisk pro uhs2 can shoot fine jpegs at 10+ frames per second without a buffer on my a7iv for my 400 image stacks. i pulled out the old uhs2 card to discover that it just couldnt do the same ,it lasted for 4 secs before buffering ๐Ÿค” i thought maybe that old cards were slower than new cards i deceided to give it a test this morning to see if it was worth keeping. so first off i cleaned the contacts that looked clean to me to begin with and guess what it actually worked utilising the 300mbps . has anyone else discovered that if the second set of pins dont work that the images are recorded to the first set of pins with the slower data rate ๐Ÿคจ, saved $ 150 on a new usb2 card for my macro work, i wont use it for my pro work but its great for non pro work ๐Ÿ˜Š