I got back from a four day sailing trip a few weeks ago. In a stroke of genius, I left my camera in the car at the marina, hence the photo from my phone 😒
Where are we anchored?
First upload to this site so sorry if it doesn't work properly.
Yes Max, you're on to it - south on the first afternoon. Our interest here wasn't so much the spiritual heritage as the almost all-round shelter provided by the combination of the bay and the small island.
Another clue: we left the marina (more correctly, the yacht haven) early afternoon and were safely moored in this bay in time for dinner and bed, having crossed the path of a ferry from A to B.
A couple more clues: We're in a part of the world with a reputation for midges at certain times of year. And, when sailing in this area, there's always the chance that a submarine will pass beneath you, causing a sudden and surprising reduction in apparent depth. Allegedly.
That's correct Brian, Lamlash Bay, Isle of Arran. Scotland. And Holy Isle forms a useful protection across the mouth of the bay. The UK submarine fleet have to pass one side of Arran as they come and go from their base at Faslane.
More clues: The car wash building to the right is part of the largest conveyor car wash operation in North America – and was also the most famous back when it was an Octopus and Walter became a bad boy.
Good challenge! I've been searching around here without success until now, I think. Are we at the car wash (now called the Mister Car Wash), roughly at the junction of Menaul Bvd NE and Eubank Bvd NE in eastern Albuquerque? I think the area is called Snow Heights. It was where Walter worked in Breaking Bad.
If I'm correct, please offer a free turn - I'm away for a few days. Sorry.