It would certainly save me a ton of money. :)
It would certainly save me a ton of money. :)
Not yet, but I think the writing is on the wall. There will surely come a time where purchasing muslins, $x,xxx hand-painted canvas backdrops, etc., will be outmoded by technology. Technology has already saved photographers a considerable amount of money across the entire spectrum of photography. Instead of having 3 versions of the same size dress or pair of shoes but different colors for clients to wear - technology (Photoshop, etc..) allows a photographer to simply "paint" the fabric whatever colour is required/wanted.
What's coming is A.I. being able to take a photograph of someone, then per instructions, position them in what's most likely considered a typical "portraiture" position based on what's most common. So basically from only seeing the subject's face and phenotype / body type, the computer will do the rest. Get ready for portraits to be "created" as opposed to "taken".... and that goes for the background as well. The tech is already in our backyard.
been down that road and dont use painted muslin backdrops any more just white. in fact my studio has a solid white wall backdrop. and this is what i do without any PP.
this is even more fun :-)
Good post.
I love the second shot.