• Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    I bought two brand new G100's. The first cost me $475 delivered right to my door, the second $500. Brand new, local stock, with warranty. How can you go wrong? The lenses are shared with with my G9 should I require its capabilities, and they really are tiny. Raw converter software and therefore processing is the same between them all, why would you bother with a phone?

  • Stillstihlpanorama_fish_eye
    78 posts
    2 years ago

    Same here. I used to buy high-end phones, then had to get a £180 option when I was brassic last year, and 95% of the time don't notice the difference. The camera's not as good, but at the time I had an RX100 IV which more than made up for it.

  • 2 years ago

    You want a camera smaller than the Sony RX-100? A Minox?


  • Mackiesbackpanorama_fish_eye
    243 posts
    2 years ago

    Well, most buy a $1000 phone for more than the camera, so not sure what dollar amount applies to just the camera within the phone. I used to bring my Nikon Coolpix A to events where compact was the best option. I am intrigued by the new version of the Ricoh. But for how I view those photos, there is no way I can justify spending another $1000 over the $1000 I already spent on my iPhone 14 pro. I would rather spend it on a 14-30, TBH.

  • Sprouty115help_outline
    83 posts
    2 years ago

    For me, it really isn't about cost. Yes, they are expensive, but I can afford both a phone and a camera. But if I had the opportunity to throw my phone in the ocean I'd honestly consider it.

    And that's because a big part what I enjoy about a camera vs. a phone is the user-experience.

    I get a real sense of pleasure using my GR because it has one specific mission - make a great image.

    And given that it's been in production and been refined over 25-years, it absolutely excells at doing that - in a way that no phone, with 20+ competing "purposes", will ever match.

  • DMCOpanorama_fish_eye
    244 posts
    2 years ago

    You have that “opportunity” every day of your life. Why don’t you just throw it away and be done with it?

    Or, is this just some kind of hyperbole that, unfortunately, makes your overall statement less meaningful?

  • Sprouty115help_outline
    83 posts
    2 years ago

    Well I thought I was pretty clear, but I guess I can dumb it down for you - I enjoy my camera, I don't enjoy my phone, but I still need it.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    You've only been conditioned by your employer, the government, society and so forth that you "need" a phone. You don't.

  • Gregpanorama_fish_eye
    516 posts
    2 years ago

    Of course I need a smartphone.
    Where else am I going to watch Britney Spears videos at 3AM. lol

    "Toxic" (2003) 3:32 youtu.be/LOZuxwVk7TU

  • ysleepanorama_fish_eye
    29 posts
    2 years ago

    Depends, most places you really do need a phone.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    Ha ha ha. Over the years, there's been outrage on many occasions regarding government tracking the movements of the general population. Yet the vast majority are happy, or think nothing of it, carrying their own little electronic tracking device that records location, time, speed, your spending habits, conversations, nearly anything you can think of. I'm not anti phones. I'm typing this right now on one. They're exceedingly handy at times. But there's very good reasons not to carry one all the time. Taking pictures is one of them -for me 😁

  • DavidMillierpanorama_fish_eye
    514 posts
    2 years ago

    I have had a £10 per month Giffgaff rolling pay as you go deal for years. They wrote to me and suggested, based on usage stats, I consider dropping down to the £5 per month option. That's how much I need my phone.

    I use it for, er, sending whatsapp texts to my family, google maps and the ND filter exposure calculator. I made 3 calls in the last month, each of which could have been made on the landline, but that would have required walking downstairs.

  • Stillstihlpanorama_fish_eye
    78 posts
    2 years ago

    In the UK at least, you've almost 'got' to have a smart phone now, for some website security log-ins, etc. Then there's credit card companies like Virgin, whose sole account management option is a smartphone app. In another 5-10 years it'll be nigh on impossible to exist here without one.

  • Sprouty115help_outline
    83 posts
    2 years ago

    Save the philosophical Orwellian bullshit for someone else, there are real people in my life that I care for that need me, and that means a phone.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    As have I. And that does not require a mobile phone.

    Edit -if you think that your phone cannot and does not do the things I mentioned, then you are simply naive in the extreme

  • Stillstihlpanorama_fish_eye
    78 posts
    2 years ago

    'Can' and 'does' are different things. I'm most certainly not naive, I spend half my life slagging off our government and discussing their shady behaviour, but even I don't believe they are currently tracking and recording all of our lives.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    Absolutely. Only when it suits them. Such as a pandemic, & they want to keep their eye on who is being a good little citizen staying at home when ordered to, when & where they're going shopping (check ins) etc etc.

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    I don't have a landline anymore, so my only communicator is the Cell-phone.
    My heart is on the verge, more of a reason two have two mobiles.
    At least always on me, even when moving inside my house.

    My own Poco F3 256G cost me around 220€ on offer 2.5 years ago >it's my main<
    while the Honor V10 128G costs me a little less than 190€ on offer 4 years ago.

    I drop them from 4 to 20 times per day. I change the H9 screen protection every two months on average to be safe.
    I have a transparent Silicon cover. The borders are 2mm higher than the screen itself and offer good protection even on a face-down fall.
    - Unless unlucky as last time: it felt on a gurney foot.

    The P.F3 offers me three lenses: Tele, Wide, Macro.... and I get some quite impressive shots... but the shutter is not a good fit for my fingers/hands.

    I've got a Z30 + 4 zoom lenses that cover from 14 to 600. 4kg bag but only 2kg if I don't carry the 150-600 😎

    You can take a picture even with a milk box as I did at the beginning 53 years ago with a 6x6 Ferrania.
    Nowadays weight and comfort have to be taken into account, tough.

    2023-05-02 08.01.59.jpg

    2023-05-11 13.34.24 (Small).jpg

    ---> I never ever cracked a H5 or H9 protection glass!

    2023-05-11 13.26.03 (Small).jpg

    2023-05-11 13.31.19 (Small).jpg

    2023-05-11 13.31.19 (Small).jpg

    JPG, 111.2 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

    2023-05-11 13.26.03 (Small).jpg

    JPG, 118.7 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

    2023-05-11 13.34.24 (Small).jpg

    JPG, 106.1 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

    2023-05-02 08.01.59.jpg

    JPG, 935.4 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.