As part of the migration process we may use this thread for
finding back together.
So feel free to ask have you seen (insert old username here)
We work on a full user list for registered user but can not say when it will be up.
And till 10.April you can also post a private massage on dpreview to anyone you miss there and ask him about our site.
The full user list will definitely help, once it's up. Great to know it's in the works - thanks!
Of course, not everyone who registers here uses the same username they posted under at DPR, so it isn't always easy to be sure who is who (unless they post and tell us). But that's not a 'problem' that can be solved in software.
However I guess it might be possible to invite people to enter their former DPR username (optionally, of course) as part of their profile for, reference. Just a thought...