• Members 2 posts
    March 30, 2023, 1:29 a.m.

    Hello, everyone. I've just joined you, using the same name as in DPReview for over 16 years. Hope this will eventually grow into a community similar to that from which we migrate, where I've learnt a great deal, been helped tremendously and encouraged in no small measures.
    Now a question: Are we going to have image hosting feature in this website? Otherwise, where do you store and display your images?

  • Members 12 posts
    March 30, 2023, 1:45 a.m.

    I had roughly ~600 pics in my DPReview gallery (uploaded over the course of ~15 years). But most of the time, when I posted a pic, I uploaded direct from my hard drive (just like you can do here for C&C/sharing purposes). From what I've seen, pics posted on DPRevived are displayed in the native size when you "click" to view. That's nice. Plus, I've noticed that when you click on the image, it loads very quickly. Also nice. Again, I have just been poking around so I may be missing something. Even DPReview did not have "galleries" to begin with. Naturally, an uploaded picture is being stored somewhere but I'm guessing the DPRevived folks have their hands full as it is right now - and "galleries" might come later-on.

  • Removed user
    March 30, 2023, 2:48 a.m.

    Currently for here, I use my own website for hosting.

    I was always amazed at DPR's (not here) apparently endless capacity for up-loaded imagery!

    Another forum (cambridge in colour) used an external host (TinyPic) which died, leaving only CiC's servers with low size limits, or such as Flickr ...

  • Members 135 posts
    March 30, 2023, 3:01 p.m.

    I presently use Flickr to host my photos online under my name Sandy Fleischmann. Some early years of my digital SD10s are on PBase, not active, but still archived like many other early Sigma users, for example Dick and Seng Merrill and Laurence Matson, all unfortunately passed away.

    Since I process all Sigma (and Canon 5DS) to largest native size jpegs, I have a lot of large photos online from most Sigma cameras. All except the newest non-Foveon fps. Flickr offers unlimited storage for a nominal yearly fee. It's easy to use and well organized. It seems to be widely used internationally as I usually see fairly high viewer #s in my 'stats' there even when I'm not actively posting photos. I'm now coming out of winter hibernation. LOL But
    I'm still trying to figure out linking or embedding photos to share here.

  • Members 2 posts
    March 31, 2023, 1:36 a.m.

    Thank you, Sandy. I'll figure out how.