Aah - the Exaktas - Iāve had dozens over the years (still have nine of them!). Quirky, innovative left handed cameras with some amazing contraptions - e.g. the system to allow extension tubes to be used with the external shutter release. Did yours have that little sliding knife to split a roll of film so that the exposed portion could be removed for developing?
Are your hands still improving? If not, you're just going to have to be brave. I have very limited hand movement, and have to mount the camera (A7 IV) on a Manfrotto Margic Arm when using heavier lenses, but I still love to feel it in my paws when using smaller/lighter glass. It's tiresome not easily being able to operate half the controls, but you learn to adapt.
Got a random but kind of appropriate popular culture mental association before bedtime; obviously the answer to "How Old Are We All?" is "Justified & Ancient". Sorry, couldn't resist sharing it ;)
Ugh, Google search is effectively ------ at this moment. Basically it's all the content farms that get highlighted nowadays due to them gaming the SEO so hard. It's the reason why I've added "Reddit" or "dpreview" or *insert relavent forum here* nowadays when doing a search.
You're not wrong. I'm finding a lot of the younger photographers on the r/photography subreddit, and their first instinct towards learning something is to ask for a video tutorial on YouTube. Very different from the early web days! I'll bet the percentage of people who know about Discord here is like 10%, and that's another place where I interact with a lot of young photographers.