• IliahBorgpanorama_fish_eye
    976 posts
    2 years ago

    You didn't, unless you mean the pigeons sort of a bomb :)

  • Quarkcharmedpanorama_fish_eye
    184 posts
    2 years ago

    That's because most of the time (if not all the time) the in-camera histogram is more conservative so to say and shows highlight clipping where there's no clipping (or less clipping) in raw.

    Bigger zebras or bigger spikes in the histogram doesn't mean there's 'more information'. It's actually less information than in raw histogram.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    This is just another fantasy tangent you go on when you have been shown to be wrong.

  • 2 years ago

    Here we go again!

    Please keep the discourse courteous.


  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    I'm being both courteous and accurate.

    I wasn't the one who earlier questioned if he is a troll or moron or the one who referred to his 'bomb' as pigeon droppings.

    Go and preach to those members as well if you need to be taken seriously.

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    maybe on your camera but not my a74

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    That is at best just your opinion and not an established fact.

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    you own a sony a74 ?

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    i would suggest you learn how to set your camera up correctly. but then again you might be shooting an old camera and not have the functions i have on my a74.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    You're running away again after suggesting you have proof to backup your claims and then challenged to post it.

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    Not to railroad your thread Jim. but there is no way in gods earth you could get the accuracy shooting raw with any method that would match my a74 using the zebras even if you had a computer plugged into your camera. shame i havent my field monitor. i can move the camera spot metering millimetres from left to right and fine tune exposure to infinite of a stop not just 1/3rd. . in fact the movement of the camera as i press the shutter button can change it 😀 the deleted members camera set up from the other thread is bang on. what im posting is not new, sony uses have been setting there cameras up for a while with his numbers.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    Without any proof to backup your opinion it is totally reasonable to believe it is total nonsense.

  • IliahBorgpanorama_fish_eye
    976 posts
    2 years ago

    There are a few ways to make Sony zebras more accurate, within 96 to 98 % of saturation for regular scenes, one is to set the camera to HLG with zebras set to 100+, the other is to use highlight metering with zebras set to 108+ or 109+. It's widely known among Sony shooters.

  • IliahBorgpanorama_fish_eye
    976 posts
    2 years ago


  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    are you saying cameras can stream live raw ?

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    using the second method.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    Which jpeg picture style are people using to shoot their raw files with? This makes a very big difference to the histogram & blinkies/zebras when adjusting settings when shooting raw.

  • IliahBorgpanorama_fish_eye
    976 posts
    2 years ago
