• lefteyepanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Ok so we know how to embed an image via directly uploading into a post, but how about embedding an image stored elsewhere via its address?

    There is an 'Insert Image' icon on the editor toolbar (mountain landscape icon), there you can enter an external link, but the result is not clickable so the embedded image is all you get. I'll use it here (this is embedded via it's address not via upload into the post) -


    What we want to see is the externally stored image embedded here and for it to be clickable - for it to open the full image.

    Replace ADDRESS below (twice) with the address to your image - the address should end with .jpg or .png


    So I'll do that with the same image as above which is in fact stored 'internally' on this site's server. This might seem weird and not the subject of this post (external images) but it means I can share the image again here (and you can see all of it's 28MP), without uploading it again. This is the actual address -


    It could just as well be an external site's address, which will then open that site to view the image. It can also be a dropbox link to an image.

    Now I insert that address into the above code, twice; this is the result, the image is clickable the vers above isn't :


  • petrochemistpanorama_fish_eye
    208 posts
    2 years ago

    I generally share my photo's via BBcode, but this will be very useful for those I've got elsewhere on the web!
    Thanks for the tip.

  • UnclePhillypanorama_fish_eye
    71 posts
    2 years ago

    Worth noting that with the first, non-clickable image you still have the option to right click --> Open image in new tab, but the second method is certainly superior.

  • lefteyepanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    yes, though I've never figured-out how to right-click on my iPhone.

  • UnclePhillypanorama_fish_eye
    71 posts
    2 years ago

    I've never owned one, does holding your finger on the image for a second or so not open a context menu? That's how it works on Android at least - pretty slow compared to a proper PC, but you can get used to it.

  • lefteyepanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    a context menu appears, but no option to open the image (full size in a new window). There is an option to 'save to photos' which saves the full 28MP image, but that's not ideal. Anyway yes, right-click on a computer does work (though that's not quite as intuitive as a general left click).

  • knorppanorama_fish_eye
    11 posts
    2 years ago

    That 'double address' opens your full-size image in a new tab. Or at least so it happens with Firefox.
    It would be neat if the full-size image just opens within the same tab.

  • Alanasuserpanorama_fish_eye
    32 posts
    2 years ago

    It does the same in Chrome


  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    This is from a dropbox link.

    The actual link is


    taken out the dl=0 and put in dl=1 and added it in with the url/img line as above
