• Members 36 posts
    May 2, 2023, 3:29 p.m.

    I hope someday brands will more and more offer this as an argument to attract people to their side, as for me, the industry has already reached a level of functions and refinement that is more than sufficient for practically everyone for practically every situation.

    What I'd like to see and evolve is the user interface, and more than that, I'd like to be able to tweek and pimp it to my liking and habit.

    For example, I would find very interesting to visualize on the screen (back or evf) frames for other focal length than the one (prime or zoom) currently in use, even rendered in real time according to zoom settings. That would be tremendously useful to check composition possibilities.

    I would also be able to prune or trim down some unused choices in the menu system, to clean it up, or simply having hands on color used, font size, stuff like that, even the possibility to modify the autofocus position indicators would be sometimes welcome...

    What do you think? Wishfull thinking, I know...

    But that would be coherent with the modular approach of the fp system at least ;-). To be able to adapt it further for a usecase or to the user habits.


  • Members 40 posts
    May 4, 2023, 8:25 a.m.


    Though i cannot say if this will become reality with a mass produced electronic device having warranty and company support etc.

    Unless cameras are offered like DIY electronic kits with open source software working with it.


  • Members 36 posts
    May 5, 2023, 8:51 a.m.

    If the system is well thought out from the beginning, it could be that the camera always has a based closed firmware, let's say for treatments and functions, but all the UI is opensource. I understand well that here brands have their own secrets and way of doing things that surely they do not want to share with other brands.

    One could so have a SDK (software developement kit), that could validate and compile/bundle that part, this one being put in the camera, would be accepted or not, bugged or not.

    As to avoid total brickdown of the camera, this one would always have its own UI ready as a fallback if the given UI bundle is not functioning as intended, or simply absent.

    Look at the playdate. This rather cute portable console has from the beginning an entire sdk, and of course, one cannot mess with everything, but one can develop whatever little game it has in mind for it. Same philosophy for a camera but only playing with the look and feel of the UI could already be a real bonus, at least for me.

    But yess wishful thinking and daydreaming won't help making better pictures ;-).