• GreatBustardpanorama_fish_eye
    697 posts
    a year ago

    Does the source include information not in either of these two links?


  • JACShelp_outline
    878 posts
    a year ago


  • sybersitizenpanorama_fish_eye
    167 posts
    a year ago

    Anyone who actually feels good about Biden is delusional.

    Anyone who actually feels good about Trump is delusional.

    The fact that they will once again be our only choices is a tragedy.

    The fact that extremism rules both sides of the political landscape is a tragedy.

    And, sadly, this thread won't change a single thing about any of it.

  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    a year ago

    and you think your country is any better run than ours in Australia 🀨 our prime minister is a joke and so was the one before.

  • NCVpanorama_fish_eye
    1984 posts
    a year ago

    I guess thre must be some law that quantifies how many posts on a thread are posted before Trump gets drawn into the ruckus.

  • GreatBustardpanorama_fish_eye
    697 posts
    a year ago

    You're being awfully vague, Don. What are you trying to say? 😁😁😁

    More seriously, I see this stuff all the time on Reddit, but I've never come across it in person, not even once. In any case, Don, if you don't like it, maybe try going somewhere that has a "higher moral" atmosphere, like miniature golf?



  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    a year ago

    do you know how twisted a member of our photography club is. he made the same comment about my fly shot πŸ€£πŸ˜†

    4401927 web.jpg

    4401927 web.jpg

    JPG, 6.8 MB, uploaded by DonaldB a year ago.

  • GreatBustardpanorama_fish_eye
    697 posts
    a year ago

    I don't know anyone voting for Biden -- I only know people voting against Trump. That said, Biden has done quite a bit better than I expected him to do, but there are some key things that he didn't do that he should have done and/or did too little too late.

    Ain't that the sad truth.

    Extremism is, well, extreme, by definition. However, I think things like threatening to dissolve NATO are far, far, far more extreme than anything Biden has done, so the extremism is far from "balanced".

    For a fact. But it is entertaining, and are you not entertained? 😁

  • GreatBustardpanorama_fish_eye
    697 posts
    a year ago

    There's a subreddit for that. 😬

  • JACShelp_outline
    878 posts
    a year ago


  • JACShelp_outline
    878 posts
    a year ago


  • OpenCubehelp_outline
    861 posts
    a year ago

    Can the people who derailed this discussion from useful to garbage get banned please? Their behavior patterns are pretty apparent at this point.

  • JACShelp_outline
    878 posts
    a year ago


  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    You showed it here. Doesn't seem to be very 'cancelled' to me. Or are you suggesting that people shouldn't have the freedom to refrain from posting things that they think others might find offensive?

  • JACShelp_outline
    878 posts
    a year ago


  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    You know we don't do that here. You'll only get banned for breaking the conditions of service, and even then you'll be warned nicely and invited to correct the error. The only people that have been banned here are those that insisted on posting material contrary to those conditions (which basically means legally questionable in decent jurisdictions) repeatedly even after being asked to desist.

    To you maybe. People are allowed to follow the discussion in the direction they want, so long as they keep to the conditions of service. We do mve things to the dumpster if they seem to be too much of a diversion - but this thread was following an overtly political agenda from the get-go, so it's not surprising that it went the way that it did.

  • Stigpanorama_fish_eye
    599 posts
    a year ago

    Research it yourself through the legacy media if you like, though they can/will create echo chambers that reinforce people's beliefs and shield them from challenging information.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    I was familiar with it before in any case, since I do have some experience in image processing. A (small) number of journals decided as an editorial policy not to use this as a test image any more. That is their right. No-one 'cancelled' the image. It's still available and can be reproduced, as you did here. It seems to me like a big fuss about nothing.