Oh, come on, Bob! The entire US public "education" system is just one massive brainwashing machine! For example, but far from limited to, saying the Civil War was about slavery as opposed to State's Rights (I mean, rights to things other than to have slaves and to require other states to be able to have slaves). The war where we took Texas from Mexico being about slavery?! Are you effing kidding me?! Out and out lies spouted by public "education"! And while I'm talking about slavery, their depiction of slavery as being different from a regular job. In fact, if anything was wrong with slavery, it was how socialist it was! I mean, they were housed and fed for free, FFS!
Of course, there's more. Lots more! They demonize Trump, but they idolize FDR (who almost wrecked the US with his socialist policies) and idolize JFK, who almost annihilated the whole freakin' planet in a senseless nuclear war! I mean, the list goes on and on and on.
Now, you're English, and England might be just as bad (I don't really know), so you may have sucked up all that indoctrination yourself. All I can say is to educate yourself and do your own research. There are many Facebook groups out there that will be happy to educate you, and the largest [real] news outlet in the US, Fox News, will tell you what you need to know (nevermind the Dominion Lawsuit -- just one more example of liberal judges forcing their agenda on the good people of America.