• meowpanorama_fish_eye
    510 posts
  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    2 years ago

    I saw that last night and think it an odd fit ... But then IR went the same way and took Outdoor Photographer with it! .. Not quite sure what GP saw in this acquisition and like the initial IR take over will they collect what interests them and try to flip the rest ?.. Doesn't look like a long term stay but then maybe ... I'll wait for the other shoe to drop .... so to speak ..


  • meowpanorama_fish_eye
    510 posts
    2 years ago

    Yes. Uncertainty continues. It's getting tiresome. As I said at other places, all this all has accomplished so far is that the community is split up over several forums, all of them slow because of that and the uncertainty about the future.

    I just feel lost.

  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    2 years ago

    The problem was that Amazon announcement that they put out with little thought ..... Not sure how you reassemble a global group like we had there ... I think we vacillated too long ... and maybe weren't as tight a tribe as might have been thought ... C&C seems to have hung together a bit better ..


  • 19andrew47panorama_fish_eye
    568 posts
    2 years ago

    C&C stuck to the Weekly format. I think that makes a difference but without a threaded view it was too much work for me. If something changes here I will reconsider that format.

    The terms of use are scary for dpr but it has been a long time since I read the original terms. They may have been similar.

    I suspect changes will come over there but only time will tell.

    On my phone waiting at the hospital. An appointment for my wife. Not a fan of long responses on my phone. A real keyboard is so much easier.


  • meowpanorama_fish_eye
    510 posts
    2 years ago

    Hope it isn't something serious.

    I think you did right. It gets too messy with everything in one flat thread.

    Yes, I do as little as possible on the phone. I even SMS from my computer if I'm at home. Thank heavens there are programs for that! People don't use mail much anymore. I like the phone for maps and games and it's nice to have a big card so you can always have images and some other things with you..

  • meowpanorama_fish_eye
    510 posts
    2 years ago
  • 19andrew47panorama_fish_eye
    568 posts
    2 years ago

    I checked that link Charlotte. Not sure exactly what Bob means. Kicked to the curb or wait and see???


  • AlanShlens
    2 years ago


    which bits don't you understand? I'm confused by

  • 19andrew47panorama_fish_eye
    568 posts
    2 years ago

    It sounds like the forums will be discontinued. On the other hand Alan, it seems galleries of some type may be in the works.

    This particular sub forum is mainly a continuation of a weekly (or more often) thread I ran in the Olympus DSLR forum of the old site. It is images and communal conversation. Given Bob’s statements I am unsure if it fits, or doesn’t, here

    You have been very accommodating here at dprevived!!!!


  • meowpanorama_fish_eye
    510 posts
    2 years ago

    I don't interpret what Bob says as the the forum will be discontinued. It just won't be the top priority anymore when it comes to development. But Alan will have the definite answer. 😏

    I do wish the owners of DPR would make some kind of statement, share their plans for the site. So much depends on that. But they probably don't know themselves yet.

  • jimmyv4351panorama_fish_eye
    281 posts
    2 years ago

    Alan did say the forums would continue, and, that they will implement threaded view, and they they will establish a moderation policy that will help prevent the trolls that plagued many of the DPReview forums. Sounds good to me.