Well I’m here but where are all the other Mac users
Well I’m here but where are all the other Mac users
What's a Mac? 😄
It’s a coat you wear when its raining
I'm here. Hopefully all the other users show up. If found the forum on dpreview interesting and helpful, particularly to someone like me who made the switch from Windows to Mac just 6 months ago. There are lots of Mac forums but seems not many are specific to the questions of Photo and Video shooters.
I' m here as well. With you, I hope more and more people (from DPR or elsewhere), will come as well. I think it' s important to let everybody there know, that this site is online. Together we could make this a true source of meeting/sharing knowledge.
Mac (and windows) user here, so you're definitely not alone. ;)
I'm a Mac guy and hope to soon rely on the expertise of many of the helpful Mac experts from DPReview.
Currently using an M1 Mini and a 2017 MPB with latest macOS, DxO PhotoLab 5.x, and Affinity Photo 2.
My better half uses a 2020 Mac Air on which she's quite versed in editing in Photos.
I’m here. I use an M1 Mini & MacBook Pro. The complete Affinity software suite plus an older version of photoshop & Lightroom.
Nikon: D700, D7100, D500. Fuji: X100F, X-T3
Hope this site takes off.
M2 MacBook Air here, main photo app On1 Photo Raw 2023.
Been a Mac user since the late 1980's and completely switched to Apple when Steve Jobs came back and Apple picked off the NeXT Unix based Unix OS for the baseline which they have stuck with. I've been a Unix proponent since the late 1970's when it was benign developed to support secure operating system requirements for DARPA (ARPA at the time). Currently I have a two monitor set up driven by a MacBook 14 with a M1 Pro chip - 32 GB memory. This machine is a beast both for my imaging radar work and photography hobby. I had a M1 13 inch MBP for a backup server until Apple broke file shearing with the latest release of Ventura (13.2.1) - should have not been an early adopter of an update. Hopefully they fix that soon. The trouble with security updates is they can have unintended consequences. That backed up my data and my wife's iMac data daily.
Main photo imaging S/W is Capture One. We also use Topaz Photo as a C1 plugin for some difficult files.
I think you will find plenty of Mac people around.
I've enjoyed your posts on Fuji X forum, but don't remember you on the Mac forum.
The Unix shells are so much more capable than DOS prompt, now cmd. Cygwin is mandatory when I use Windows. PowerShell might be OK though it looks weird! Sometimes I copy&paste a PowerShell command from the net, but I don't understand it.
Though it has quirks, MacOS desktop is pleasant to use compared to Windows 10. Yikes, Windows 11 doesn't even support taskbar (dock) on the side. My current complaint is that my external monitor has much lower red saturation than my M2 Macbook 16.
Give it a little time, the forum is only days old and we all have lives beyond the net, hopefully. I was a very infrequent user “over there” but when I needed help I got it. To quote: “if you build it, they will come”
I didn’t post much but checked the Mac forum out periodically. The Unix shell is quite powerful and if not careful will allow one to really get into trouble 😫. I finally told my wife that I was no longer going to spend half my life keeping her PC up and running and virus free and brought her home an iMac about 15 years ago. She groused awhile but liked the fact that the Mac didn’t have to do security patches daily. Now she won’t touch a PC.
I’m a little miffed at Apple breaking file sharing with the 13.2.1 update. But that is not the first time an “improvement” has had unintended consequences. Nor will it be the last. The sad thing is I usually wait a couple weeks before, I consider doing an update and then check the web for chatter about potential problems. With 13.2.1, I didn’t do that. Yep shot myself in the foot.
Another Mac user here who has been using Macs since about 1990 and as primary since 1995. I am glad this thread has been created as I like to check in and see what I can learn and very occasionally offer some information.
Rest assured, you are not alone.
Yet another mac user here
Mac user here, although tbh it doesn’t get a lot of use these days since I find I can do 99% of what I want on the iPad. My 2009 MacBook Pro is still strolling along though.. (with an SSD fitted and a hacked version of High Sierra).