Mac user since 1987. Have seen a lot over the years and still only use macs. Glad this forum is revived for the future. Lots of knowledge gained, and hopefully contributed since joining.
Mac user since 1987. Have seen a lot over the years and still only use macs. Glad this forum is revived for the future. Lots of knowledge gained, and hopefully contributed since joining.
Same here. It was a second hand Mac 512 along with an external diskette drive and an ImageWriter printer. I used it for several years then I bought a second hand Mac Cx II that I used for almost 10 years and that I still own. In the 90's I bought a PowerComputing clone. Excellent! I owned a couple of PCs and in the 2010's I built a hackintosh. Now I am in the Silicon valley.
I waited several days before joining to allow the new team to sort out initial operational issues. I’m sure others are thinking the same. So I expect more will continue joining as the site continues to settle down. (I’m not a Mac guy. Just offering a thought.)
Five Macs, most DOA, all working now. lol
Two of them run virtually 24/7
Ditched XP (spit, spit) in 2003 …and never looked back.
Mac, Linux and (reluctant) Windows user here!
Another Mac user present. I actually was just looking at the Mac Forum on DPReview for discussion on the M2 Air. I'm about ready to buy one as my first laptop ever (main machine is an iMac). I found lots of good discussion, as I have in the past checking out the Mac Talk area. I presume it will take time for folks to show up here.
Long time Mac user and former consultant/member of the Apple Consultants Network (formerly Apple Solutions Experts) here.
You are not alone.
I've been using Mac since 2007. Three iMacs, and now a Studio with the M1 Max chip and a 40" Vizio 4k TV as a monitor.
I just bought a studio and I’m really happy with it. I am scanning, organizing, and creating backup archives of a lifetime of images. My old 13” PowerBook wasn’t up to it. The new studio rocks. I just hope it isn’t as slow as the PowerBook by the time it’s paid off.
One more
Mac and digital cameras, go well together 😎
Macintosh SE-30 (1989) by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr
Mac SE30 16mhz HD 40MB and Kodak DC20 👍🏻
Another long time happy mac user here but not really an expert. I was never any good at computers/software and that was the main reason to switch to macs from PC because it made my (photography)life easier. Especially when it came to printing... I just got tired of all those pop-up windows asking me things I had no clue about way back when on my PCs.
Another Mac user here - Like @Ram I chose Macs because I am not techie at all! So might not be much help for users who have issues! 😎
Mac user but bipolar. Used an Apple ][ initially but when the Mac came out I was using the computer to interface to lab equipment and the I/O peripherals were not available from Apple and there were no third party suppliers because Apple wanted it all. So I became a PC user. For about 40 years. Then I got a new wife and she was all Apple so she gave me one for Christmas '21. So I'm now a Mac user but bipolar because I still use my PC for the non-compatible software I got used to.
Being bipolar is frustrating because of the UI differences, particularly to someone in their '80s. But I manage. The Mac (M1) is a pleasure to use for LrC/PS. It's much faster than they are on my Win10 machine (although that's 8 years old and full of background junk). I have had issues with Python scripts that work fine in Windows. Muscle memory is one of the problems with the UI. I don't care for the taskbar/focus handling of the Mac, the PC does it better.
But overall I'm a Mac user now.
I'm a mac user since 1992 when I bought a macTV, one of the coolest computers I've ever owned. I recently replaced my 2011 Mini with a new Studio, which I'm still getting used to. There's been a string of macs of various kinds in between. I haven't posted much on the section but I sure solved a lot of problems by looking or asking there.
Mac (MBP) user here since around 2008…..
Along with:
Ear thingies
Card readers,
Cables, and
Too many chargers.
Hello, I’m a Mac! …
… user since 2002. My first Mac was an iBook G3. At that time I had some generous folks around me, because I wasn’t frugal enough to buy one by myself. The Think Different campaign just fit into my overall attitude, and I finally switched (loved that B&W photo of a dancer). Before that I used Linux and several BSD flavors (with FreeBSD being my favorite one until today). Even before that I was an Amiga user. I had several touching points with DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 95, and Windows 98, but after that I mostly lost track.
I’m a sucker for Apple products. Most probably you’ll find at least one Apple product from each category at my home.
There are two types: Big MACS and the others... 😄😄😄
I've been a Mac user between 2007 and 2015, and once more as of two weeks ago. When I stopped, Apple simply didn't build a machine powerful enough to do my PhD work, so I jumped ship. Then it was gaming that kept me from buying a Mac. But between the Steam Deck and XBox Cloud Streaming, that need is no longer on my main computer. For everything else, the M1 is a fantastic platform, that actually outperforms my now-neglected gaming PC for image editing.
My only Mac experience is a Macbook Pro 17" (from maybe 2007?) with a Core 2 Duo and the cute magnetic power supply connector. It's a hefty beast and gets nice and warm in use. I inherited it from my late aunt who was a pensioner art student and liked to follow the trends. I've updated the HDD to SSD and expanded the Ram and updated the OS to the latest version it can run. It's interesting exploring the differences between the Apple approach and PCs, but I got to say that Mac fans do over-egg the benefits a bit. It's nice, but in reality just swaps one set of irritations for another set. I've found my spiritual home with Ubuntu Linux these days, but I've got machines running win 7, Win 10, Win 11, Ubuntu, Chrome OS, and open source Chromium as well as the Mac.
It's quite fun playing with all the variations on doing exactly the same thing!
Hello. Mac user since 2005 I think. I'm running some older gear with good success so far. I use Capture One Pro for my RAW conversions.
Been dabbling with Macs since the '90s, and RiscOS before that, and then some DOS, which I never liked, nor the earlier versions of Windows.
Fairly fluent with Macs, but I have stopped at Big Sur as my machine (six years old) seems to work very well with that OS version.
My portable is a Surface 4 which, at last, works very well again (it didn't take kindly to the latest Windows 10 upgrade).
I've never owned a Windows machine. I'm mainly using a M1 MacBook Air these days, it's surprisingly smooth for the limited specs.
Also a Mac owner. Business wise (many, many years ago) we were all equipped with Macs, as we could take them to clients (still remember that we would want to park very close to the client as portable in those days meant you needed to go to the gym to carry it for any reasonable distance). Many years later, we went back to Macs since 2010, so a very happy user since then. And the new M1's are great to use.