• Members 697 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 8:13 a.m.



    PNG, 11.8 MB, uploaded by GreatBustard on Nov. 14, 2023.

  • Members 1662 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 8:31 a.m.

    Love it - beautiful shot! I like the composition and how the trail of the plane catches the light from below. Also the gradients and different layers. Well seen and captured!

  • Members 196 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 8:58 a.m.

    Lovely catch beautiful colours , is it the plane that is just passing by or you 😀

  • Members 697 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 7:55 p.m.

    I was just enjoying the view, had the camera in my lap, and suddenly a plane flying the wrong direction zipped by. : ) Barely had time to get the shot!

    Yeah -- I haven't been posting much. It's because Bob's been a total bitch and won't give me his Z9 + 35-150 / 2-2.8, even when I offered my 6D2 + 35-150 / 2.8-4 in an even trade -- with two extra batteries, even! I mean, WTF?! People are so stingy! So, I've been boycotting in retaliation. 😁 More seriously, I just haven't had a lot to say. Well, not about photography, anyway. 😉

    By the way, I think the photo was taken above the Grand Canyon -- here was 5 minutes before:



    JPG, 571.9 KB, uploaded by GreatBustard on Nov. 14, 2023.

  • Members 196 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 8:10 p.m.

    That is just downright inconsiderate of Bob 😀 I must admit having bought a Z9 a spell back it is a heck of a camera , in truth , with way more features than I will ever use. If the Z8 had been around at the time I would have probably went with that . I could grow a funky beard , wax my moustache pop on a plaid shirt slip in too some skinny jeans and go retro with the ZF 😀

    Your photo looks lovely and clean a lot of flights I have been on , I am sure they have a dedicated member of the ground crew who job is to go around sanding the cabin windows

  • Members 697 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 9:05 p.m.

    Typical, but not unexpected of a Brexit supporter. 😁

    If I were starting fresh, the Z8 + Tamron 35-150 / 2-2.8 would be my choice. However, I recently got an R5, and really love it. I'm hoping against hope that Canon, in their infinite graciousness, allows Tamron to sell the lens for RF mount. But with their recent release of the 24-105 / 2.8, any such hope has been shut down. So, I'm probably going to go dual system in the future, though more likely dual with Sony than with Nikon.

    Actually, the windows were pretty scuffed. On the flight back, however, the windows were pristine -- I've never been on a plane with such clean windows (must have been new) -- but the scenery was nothing like the trip there. A clear case of the scene mattering far more than the IQ.

  • Members 196 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 11:27 p.m.

    Last time I went to Thailand to visit my brother and his wife we went with Emirates and it is the one and only time I have had clean windows though due to the length of the flight we had ponied up for business class maybe normally flying pleb air is why I get so many scuffed windows

  • Members 697 posts
    Nov. 14, 2023, 11:45 p.m.

    Yeah -- I'm sure that's why you went to Thailand. 😎

    I think in the US, for domestic flights, you pay by the grit, but they only offer 100-400 grit windows, so... 😆

  • Members 196 posts
    Nov. 15, 2023, 1:02 a.m.

    They don't mention that in their ads 😀