• pointnshootpropanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    I have noticed that the domiplan 50mm 2.8 on my Practika seems to not be focusing correctly, and there is some rattling inside the lens. Is there some place reputable on this side of the pond that can do lens repairs? It seems like a nice lens and I would hate to discard it.


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Which side of the pond is "this side"?


  • pointnshootpropanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    North America. But at this point, I will take what I can get for a repair to the lens

  • NCVpanorama_fish_eye
    1994 posts
    a year ago

    Often it costs less to find a good copy of this sort of lens on Ebay, as repairs are labour intensive and time costs money.

  • WolfsHeadhelp_outline
    245 posts
    a year ago

    The Domiplan was the bottom of the range and almost certainly would not repay money spent on repair. EBay in the U.K. shows a wide selection in the £25 price range, some even with a camera body included.