Fantastic shots with very impressive colors - those two stand out the most to me. Absolutely love the nuance in the tones, as well as the composition. Superb!
Thank you everyone for the beautiful shots - lots of variation there. Really impressive!
@AlainCh2 I'm lucky as well. For most flower enthusiasts my images clearly don't show enough (in focus) for example... and yet most of the time i'm just enjoying it more that way. Love your flower shots the ReallySmallOne in particular!
@Maoby and @kgwhite I really enjoy your beautiful (and in part somewhat 'darker') interpretations. I've not experimented a lot with that, but I'll make sure to post a one or two attempts at that as well. Excellent work!
And an analog photo: Sunny crocuses by Photobygms, on Flickr
(Canon Eos 1 - Canon EF 80-200mm f/2.8L )
Fujicolor Superia 200 (Expiry date 12-2014) Used this film in 2021 and developed with Cinestill Cs41