• jowulpanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    a year ago



    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by jowul a year ago.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    I like it! The composition is great and the lines created by the various elements as well. The size of the lighthouse as well as it's position in regards to the horizon are most likely a matter of personal taste. I like them the way they are, but would suspect that some people would go for a minimally lower POV and slightly tighter crop. Either way - excellent work!

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1841 posts
    a year ago

    This is one of my favorite lighthouses that I've ever photographed. Since all the photos I took were much closer up, I'm intrigued with this distant view that emphasizes the vast, rugged landscape of coastal Newfoundland. Thanks for sharing.

  • honeybzpanorama_fish_eye
    251 posts
    a year ago

    Beautiful landscape. I love the composition. Im curious, what time of day was this taken.

  • pointnshootpropanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Ahhh, Newfoundland. My home. I love it here.

    Great image. A different point of view than most of images of the lighthouse.